Detainment Facility

The Detainment Facility was an underground prison facility in the Imperial Fortress on Yavin 4.


The Detainment Facility was an underground prison located below the Imperial Fortress, the main Imperial base on Yavin 4. The facility had only one entrance; a small bunker-like building in the Imperial Fortress. The large underground prison featured many holding cells and a large hall with holding pens.

The prison was guarded and patrolled by a variety of Imperial troops, including stormtroopers, scout troopers, Galactic Marines, Imperial Detainment Facility Officers, as well as droids, including B1 battle droids, B2 super battle droid, Droideka, and Viper probe droids.


Although the Imperial Fortress was established soon after the Rebel Alliance evacuated the moon and the Empire took control of the jungle world, the detainment facility was built later, around 1 ABY.

Not long after the construction of the detainment facility, during the Remembrance Day festivities, a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle on route to the Imperial Fortress crash-landed on Yavin 4, near the Mining Outpost. A Rebel agent sent by Alliance Starfighter Corps Officer Wedge Antilles inspected the wreckage and found evidence that six Alliance pilots were held prisoner at this facility. Antilles therefore tasked a group of Rebel operatives to infiltrate the facility and free the prisoners. The agents managed to fight their way in and in the confusion killed several key Imperial — namely stormtrooper JH-101, scout trooper QQ-463, stormtrooper group leader EX-222, Colonel Rogen Lithal, Galactic Marine veteran BO-661 and the Dark Jedi Loy Kommas — and stole their uniforms. Disguised as Imperials, the pilots left the facility unhindered. The Rebel operatives were awarded the Rebel Alliance Badge of Valor for this accomplishment.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial Detainment Facility was a location in the video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. It was added to the game with the release of the "Game Update 11," published on June 23, 2009, and only appeared during the Empire Day events of 2009, 2010 and 2011. Rebel-aligned players could talk to Wedge Antilles on Corellia to receive a quest that would take them to this facility to free prisoners.



