During the skirmish, the Springhawk was attacked by three formations of five . Soon thereafter, the Grayshrike, commanded by Senior Captain Irizi'in'daro, arrived in the system to deliver a message from Admiral Ar'alani to Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo. Lakinda ordered her Grayshrike to join the battle to protect the Springhawk.
During the battle, the Springhawk and Grayshrike were attacked by the HopeBreaker apparently accompanied by a repair ship which turned out to be a freighter. The Battle Dreadnought kept the Chiss forces occupied while the freighter escaped to hyperspace. Thrawn disabled or destroyed all of the missile boats as well as the armaments and sensors on the Battle Dreadnought's port side. After the freighter escaped into hyperspace, the Battle Dreadnought also fled, but first destroyed all the intact missile boats so the Chiss could not learn anything about their design or schematics.
Haplif of the Agbui orchestrated a brutal war on the planet that came to be known as Sunrise. That war killed most of the planet's population.
After encountering a group of refugees led by the Magys on Rapacc, Mitth'ali'astov sought to prevent the refugees' mass suicide by taking their leader to their people's homeworld. Despite Caregiver Thalias not having the authority to order the Springhawk to make such a journey, Senior Captain Thrawn was pleased with Thalias' initiative and ordered his officers to act as though Thalias had command whenever the Magys was present.
Senior Captain Lakinda's Grayshrike joined the battle, as she was tasked with delivering Thrawn a message from their commanding officer Admiral Ar'alani. She traced the Springhawks likely vector to Sunrise, where she encountered the Springhawk under attack by unknown forces.
After seeing the destruction wrought on her homeworld, the Magys ordered the suicide of her companion, and attempted to take her own life as well. However, Senior Captain Thrawn arrested the Magys for causing the death of an alien aboard his vessel, and held her in a hibernation chamber.
Another skirmish would take place over Sunrise two weeks later as part of the Nikardun campaigns. Lakinda's Grayshrike and Ar'alani's Vigilant fought the Unidentified Battle Dreadnought, which self-destructed.