An extremely maneuverable three-winged craft, it could brake to a complete stop midflight as well as enter a stealth mode. Vana's astromech droid, Mod-3, maintained and repaired the ship while on board.
It was armed with two laser cannons, a nano missile launcher, and a unique ion encumbrance system. This system launched small ion-enabled "tags," projectiles which attached to enemy vessels and caused an ionization effect which disabled their deflector shields. These tags could also be used as homing beacons for the nano missiles.
Vana Sage used this ship as early as 32 BBY when she, along with the pirate Nym and Naboo pilot Rhys Dallows, destroyed a droid factory on Eos and attacked a Trade Federation convoy over Naboo, as well as defending a Naboo Resistance base on the planet's surface with Nym. She continued to use this fighter years later and was last seen searching for news of her friend Reti.
- Star Wars: Starfighter: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
- "State of the Arts" — Star Wars Gamer 2
- Star Wars Gamer 5
- The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia