Helix ring

Helix rings were powerful energy boosters that held the equivalent of enough pure coaxium to fuel forty to fifty starships. As they generated too much power for any use other than hyperspace travel, helix rings were rarely used. The rings also had a tendency to malfunction, particularly when they became old, creating energy surges capable of melting metal, blowing circuits, or disintegrating a human body down to atoms.

The Amaxine warriors used helix rings to power a relay system of transport pods centered on a station, with landing platforms on various destinations, including a planet home to Drengir. The Amaxines attempted to take over the Drengir planet, but were defeated, and the Drengir used their relay to conquer the space station. The Drengir were eventually sealed aboard the station by the Sith, and the station was abandoned.

During the High Republic Era, the Amaxine station was used as a way station for the Byne Guild, whose pilots, often those in indentured servitude, attempted to tap into the helix rings to boost their engines and save fuel. The maneuever was fatal if done incorrectly—the parents of Affie Hollow were killed attempting to do so while indentured to Byne Guild leader Scover Byne. Following the Great Hyperspace Disaster, the Jedi Knight Dez Rydan entered the relay system and was sent to the Drengir planet while investigating the Amaxine station, with his fellow Jedi believing he had been vaporized by the helix rings. Padawan Reath Silas later also mistakenly ventured into the relay and was similarly transported, subsequently rescuing Rydan and returning to the station. Several Drengir followed them from the planet, but Silas used the Force to push their pod back into hyperspace, with the helix rings killing the Drengir that had exited the pod.


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