Homesteader ship

A homesteader ship was a type of starship. According to a Force vision of the future shown by the Eye of Webbish Bog to the Sith Lord Darth Vader between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, a group of homesteaders had made their way to Kligson's Moon aboard a homesteader ship. Sometime after they arrived, they encountered Ajax Sigma, a droid who had also traveled to the moon to retrieve something he needed. According to Sigma, the homesteaders attacked him and in response, he killed them all, which caused a disturbance in the Force felt by the Jedi Luke Skywalker.

Skywalker then traveled to the moon with Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 to discover the source of the disturbance. When they arrived at the moon, Skywalker led the rebels to the homesteader ship where they discovered the dead bodies of the ship's crew. The Jedi then suggested that they split into pairs and search the ship, as whoever had killed the homesteaders could still be aboard. Skywalker paired with R2, and as the pair made their way through the ship, they came across Sigma, and Skywalker questioned the droid as to why he had killed the homesteaders. After hearing Sigma's explanation, Skywalker drew his lightsaber, and informed Sigma he was going to take him so he could answer for what he had done to the crew of the ship. Sigma had no intentions of going with the Jedi and attacked Skywalker. After Skywalker damaged Sigma's plating, he told the droid to stand down or be destroyed. The droid then noted to Skywalker that humans did not stop to consider a third option, as he made his way into a pod and escaped from the ship.






