The Malevolence was a qaz-class Star Destroyer in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Yavin, it was considered a new vessel, although it was one of the only qaz-class Destroyers to remain active during the war, with the others no longer being used. At that time, a mission to the planet Tibrin was undertaken by the Rebel Alliance members Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker, although it was cut short by Skywalker's capture by the Empire.
Organa then disguised herself as an Imperial officer, and infiltrated the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Stormbringer, where Skywalker was being held. As part of her cover, Organa pretended to have previously served on the Malevolence, causing the stormtrooper performing checks on personnel coming aboard, TK-5648, to express surprise and openly wonder what it would be like to serve on such a craft.
The Malevolence was first mentioned in "The Trouble at Tibrin, Part II," a comic story written by Landry Q. Walker. The story was included in the fifth issue of IDW Publishing's comic-compilation magazine Star Wars Adventures, released on December 27, 2017.
The Malevolence was first mentioned in "The Trouble at Tibrin, Part II," a comic story written by Landry Q. Walker. The story was included in the fifth issue of IDW Publishing's comic-compilation magazine Star Wars Adventures, released on December 27, 2017.