Pabol Sleheyron


The Pabol Sleheyron passed through the Kessel sector, connecting with the Kessel Run.

The Pabol Sleheyron passed through the Kessel sector, connecting with the Kessel Run.

The Pabol Sleheyron was a hyperspace route which ran between the astronomical objects Randon and Formos, passing from the Mid Rim Territories to the Outer Rim Territories through Hutt Space and the Kessel sector. From Randon, the route went to the celestial body Chalacta before passing into Mid Rim's portion of Hutt Space. The Pabol Sleheyron then went into the Outer Rim portion of Hutt Space where it reached the astronomical objects Nimban and Sleheyron. After leaving Hutt Space, the route made its way to the celestial bodies Rion, Ulmatra, Randa, Injopan, and Zerm before reaching the Kessel system, there the planets Kessel and Oba Diah were based. Afterwards, it passed on to the astronomical objects Mandrine, Tilurus, Aeneid, Little Kessel, and Prishella before it reached Formos.

The Pabol Sleheyron had was connected to a number of other hyperspace routes, including the Randon Run at Randon, and the Triellus Trade Route at Formos. Sleheyron had hyperlane connections to the Hutt Space celestial bodies Kintan and Varl. In the Kessel system, the Kessel Run connected Kessel and Oba Diah and the Sanity Skip led from Kessel to the Oseon system. Little Kessel was connected by hyperspace route to the astronomical body Honoghr.

Behind the scenes

The Pabol Sleheyron was first mentioned in canon in the twenty-ninth issue of the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine series, published by De Agostini on approximately July 22, 2015.

