Raid on Sullust


After Imperial Moff Kohl Seerdon blockaded the Rebel Alliance-affiliated world Chandrila, the Rebel flight group was sent to Sullust to attack the Capacitor at a hidden Imperial base. Kasan Moor engineered the strike.

The battle

The Capacitor is detroyed.

The Capacitor is detroyed.

The Capacitor was surrounded by a deflector shield. Rogue Squadron, battling the base's defenses, managed to destroy the twelve shield transmitters spread throughout the area that were producing the shield. After the shield was disabled, Rogue Squadron targeted the support columns on the Capacitor. When they were destroyed, the structure split into two and crashed into the lava.

During the attack, Rogue Squadron targeted and destroyed a bunker in close proximity to both a transmitter and a TIE landing pad, uncovering another set of seeker proton torpedoes.


Although a success, the raid was nothing but a ruse set up by Moff Seerdon himself to draw Rogue Squadron away as he attacked Rebel bacta supplies on Thyferra.

Behind the scenes

The Raid on Sullust appears in the 1998 video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Seeker proton torpedoes are the mission's upgrade.




