Missile turret

The missile turrets functioned as ground-based defensive weaponry for the Galactic Empire. These turrets, mounted on a square base, utilized two launchers to unleash homing missiles against airborne enemies. They saw action during the Galactic Civil War, often positioned alongside turbolasers. From approximately 6 months following the significant Battle of Yavin, these turrets engaged Rogue Squadron of the Rebel's. They were used in the battle for the liberation of Gerrard V, for the defense of the Jade Moon, for the defense of Balmorra, for the defense of the Imperial Navy spaceport located on Kile II, for the rescue on Kessel of Kessel, were positioned on platforms near Taloraan City, provided protection for a base situated on Fest, defended a capacitor on Sullust, and were deployed on Thyferra.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, which was released in 1998, features missile turrets.

