"Sacrifice" is the thirteenth and final episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' sixth season. It was released in the US and Canada via Netflix on March 7, 2014 and premiered on the German TV network Super RTL on March 8, 2014. At the time, it was the final episode of the series as a whole until Season Seven was announced on July 19, 2018. This episode is chronologically followed by Season Seven's fifth episode, "Gone with a Trace."
"After many grueling trials, Yoda next travels to the ancient Sith homeworld of Moraband, where he must face an ancient evil determined to rule the galaxy."
Yoda reaches Moraband, the original homeworld of the Sith, to pass the last of the Force Priestesses' tests, which he is required to pass if they are to tell him the secrets of the Force and how he can keep his identity after his death. Yoda tells R2-D2 to return to Coruscant if he has not returned to him in three nights.
Yoda wanders through the desert landscape of Moraband, where an illusion of a giant serpent emerges. Other specters of Sith warriors appear, but they cannot make Yoda afraid, nor can they hurt him. Meanwhile, Count Dooku feels that something is wrong, and he is immediately called back to Coruscant by Darth Sidious.
Back on Moraband, Yoda enters a Sith temple. All of a sudden, a spectre of Darth Bane appears and challenges Yoda; the Jedi Master knows who Bane is and that the ancient Sith Lord is simply an illusion. Bane disappears, and the Force Priestesses tell Yoda that he must enter a dark temple where the Sith once sacrificed Jedi, although they have no idea what his final trial will be.
On Coruscant, Darth Sidious plans to attack Yoda on Moraband with Sith sorcery; he utilizes Darth Tyranus' relationship to the elderly Jedi Master to his advantage in order to do so. With Tyranus' blood, Sidious creates an illusion that is fed by the Force lightning of both Sith Lords.
In the temple on Moraband, Yoda meets a dying Sifo-Dyas. Sifo-Dyas begs Yoda to free him and tells him that he knows the secret identity of the Sith Lord. Sifo-Dyas challenges Yoda to admit to his desires, but Yoda refuses, believing the illusion of Sifo-Dyas to be a temptation created by the Sith.
Sifo-Dyas then morphs into Darth Sidious, and Yoda finds himself aboard a gunship with Anakin Skywalker, Rex, and the other clones of the 501st Legion. Yoda is confused by this and asks Skywalker what is going on; the young Jedi states that a mysterious ship, possibly of Separatist origin and carrying Count Dooku, was discovered landing in The Works. Yoda realizes Dooku is meeting with the Sith Lord, whom Yoda is determined to unmask. When the Jedi and clones arrive at their destination, they encounter Count Dooku and Darth Sidious. Dooku disables the clones with Force lightning, and Anakin engages him in a lightsaber duel. Yoda pursues Darth Sidious, but he turns around to see Skywalker injure Count Dooku on the leg, making him kneel, and take the Sith's lightsaber. Anakin beheads Dooku despite Yoda's objections, and Yoda continues his hunt for Sidious.
On an outdoor walkway, Yoda and Darth Sidious duel. Yoda is soon joined by Anakin, but the young Jedi is incapacitated by Sidious's Force lightning. Yoda continues to fight; things take a turn for the worse when the section of the walkway supporting Anakin begins to collapse. Yoda uses the Force to prevent the unconscious Skywalker from falling. Sidious suggests that Yoda let Skywalker die, thereby allowing Yoda to defeat him and stopping his plans. Willing to sacrifice everything, including himself, Yoda suffers direct hits from his opponent's deadly Force lightning in order to save his friend.
When the portion of the walkway Yoda and Sidious are standing on begins to collapse as well, Yoda throws his lightsaber in Sidious's direction to fully break it, preventing the Sith from climbing to safety. Yoda and Sidious both fall to the ground below, but when the Jedi Master finally removes the Sith Lord's hood, he finds himself holding nothing but Sidious's empty robes.
His final trial complete, Yoda awakens from his nightmarish vision, and the Force Priestesses state that he will train with Qui-Gon Jinn and learn to retain his identity in the future. Yoda begins to see the future and hears what will someday be his last words, that "There is Another Skywalker." Back on Coruscant, Darth Sidious and Darth Tyranus realize they have failed to break Yoda, learning that they need more time if they are to succeed in completely wiping out the Jedi.
Yoda returns to Coruscant, where he finds Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi waiting for him. They state that the Jedi High Council is looking forward to hearing what happened to Yoda during his journey, but the elderly Jedi Master says there is very little to report. Not willing to share his experiences, Yoda expresses his newfound belief that perhaps there is a better way to achieve victory than the Clone Wars. Yoda then claims that act of the Jedi fighting the Clone Wars has probably already caused the war to be lost, but that there is a path unknown to the Sith that could lead to a long-term victory for the Jedi Order.
"Sacrifice" features the first appearance of Moraband, the homeworld of the Sith, in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. During story development, George Lucas decided that he preferred the name "Moraband" over the previously used "Korriban," and thus the planet is referred to as such in the episode. However, the episode guide's trivia gallery clarifies that Moraband may have had multiple names throughout its history.
The illusion Yoda experiences alludes to many events in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Anakin Skywalker's method of killing Dooku is nearly identical to his actual death, with the only difference being Anakin wounding Dooku's leg (much as Dooku injured Obi-Wan Kenobi in Attack of the Clones) instead of slicing off his hands. Also, the way in which Darth Sidious and Yoda fight (including the breaking of the bridges alluding to Sidious crashing the Senate down and Yoda blocking of Sidious' Force lightning) mirrors the action from Revenge of the Sith.
Like "The Wrong Jedi," this episode fades to black at the end instead of the using the iris out wipe.
- "Launch Pad" — Star Wars Insider 148
- "A Trip to the Light Side" — Star Wars Insider 152
- Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection