Shuttle 135

Shuttle 135 was a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle that operated as part the Galactic Empire's Advanced Science Division. Around 18 BBY, the shuttle was due to make an arrival at Mount Tantiss on the planet Wayland when a bolt of lightning struck the vessel and knocked out its power, causing the shuttle to fall to the surface. Its crew survived the initial crash, although were later killed by creatures in the Wayland jungles.

Some time later, the clones Omega and Crosshair escaped from the confines of Mount Tantiss and traveled to the wreckage of Shuttle 135. They attempted to use the shuttle's communication systems to contact their brothers Hunter and Wrecker for help, however the systems were destroyed. Omega and Crosshair engaged several TK stormtroopers and a clone commando around the ruins of the ship, but ultimately made their escape by hijacking a Rho-class transport shuttle.






