During the Galactic Civil War, a skirmish broke out in the Kiax Nebula between Red Squadron of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Tech Masters.
Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance planned a supply mission transporting essential medical supplies on the transport Nema and accompanied by Red Squadron, led by Commander Arhul Narra. The Imperial Navy would stop at nothing to bring down such a valuable resource, so the Alliance Council had plotted a course through the Kiax Nebula, where most spacefarer's avoided, in a gamble to avoid Imperial detection. The Nebula's thick cloud consisted of swirling, space dust, which wreaked havoc on sensor readings, though Han Solo told Mon Mothma that flying through the cloud was a bad idea.
Pirates serving the Tech Masters attacked the Alliance forces using modified TIEs, which killed Duros pilot Jamman (Red Three), a newcomer to Red Squadron. Luke Skywalker (Red Five) was able to destroy three of the TIEs. The pirates used surprise hit-and-fade tactics by hitting the X-wings and then disappearing into the Nebula's thick cloud. Skywalker insisted on chasing after the pirates into the cloud, so Red Squadron followed him, leaving the Nema unprotected. While X-wings were distracted, the pirates managed to hijack the Nema and take it to back to the Tech Masters on Trionak.
Mon Mothma was not happy after learning that Red Squadron left the transport unprotected to chase the pirates, disobeying a direct order. However, she later revealed that this was the third transport to go missing. So, Skywalker and Leia Organa took the Millennium Falcon to Trionak to investigate. They were able to recover the Nema and bring it back to the Alliance flagship Home One.