Star Wars Rebels Season Four is the fourth and final season of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. It was announced on March 3, 2017, and debuted on Disney XD on October 16. As with all previous seasons, this one is also began with special two-part episode, called Heroes of Mandalore.
At Celebration Orlando, Dave Filoni, series creator and executive producer, confirmed that it was the final season of the series. He said that it was his decision to end here and very glad to give a proper ending to the series, unlike in The Clone Wars. According to Filoni, it is darker and a bit funnier than the previous one. Voice recording began by August of 2016. Filoni later added that, with it being the final season, everything was magnified and nothing could be wasted. He described himself as being pleased with the season as a whole and extremely happy with the finale. The season was released on Blu-ray and DVD on July 31, 2018.