Unidentified maintenance droid 2

A maintenance droid operated at the outpost of Port Haileap during the High Republic Era. Around the year 232 BBY, during the High Republic Era, the maintenance droid was present near the starship Steady Wing, which was scheduled to transport a delegation, including Dalnan Ambassador Weft and members of the Jedi Order, to the dedication ceremony of the Starlight Beacon space station.

Before the vessel departed, passenger Avon Starros, an aspiring inventor and the daughter of Senator Ghirra Starros, stole a power crystal from the maintenance droid, wishing to use it in an experiment. Starros escaped with the crystal on a scoot speeder, and the droid chased her through the spaceport, calling out for help. Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh used the Force to stop Starros's speeder. The irritated droid took its power crystal back from Starros and stomped back in the direction from which it had come.

The maintenance droid appeared in the 2021 novel The High Republic: A Test of Courage, written by Justina Ireland.

Behind the scenes

The maintenance droid appeared in the 2021 novel The High Republic: A Test of Courage, written by Justina Ireland.






