Unidentified rogue B1-series battle droid

The rogue droid had tan plating and black visual sensors. They had a different upper body, including head and arms, than other B1-series battle droids, with their head sharing design elements with that of the BX-series droid commando model. By the time the droid worked as a bounty hunter, they wore a red cape and wielded attached to their right forearm a blade with the Galactic Basic Standard word "ARMBLADE" written on it in the Aurebesh writing system.

The rogue B1-series battle droid was created for the Desperate Circumstances set of Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: The Card Game, in which they were illustrated by Ryan Valle. The set was released on November 9, 2017, and on the same day the droid was also featured in a preview article for Desperate Circumstances on Fantasy Flight Games' official website.

Behind the scenes

The rogue B1-series battle droid was created for the Desperate Circumstances set of Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: The Card Game, in which they were illustrated by Ryan Valle. The set was released on November 9, 2017, and on the same day the droid was also featured in a preview article for Desperate Circumstances on Fantasy Flight Games' official website.


  • Star Wars: The Card GameDesperate Circumstances
