Venator I-class Star Destroyer


The Venator I-class Star Destroyer, a variant of the Venator-class, had a hull characterized by the shape of two wedges and a dorsal superstructure near the aft containing two towers. Four port and four starboard DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets flanked the superstructure. A recessed portion of the hull joining the dorsal and ventral surfaces also accommodated one port and one starboard medium dual turbolaser cannons.


The navy of the Galactic Republic operated the Venator I-class. At one point, a Venator I-class starship of the Republic's Open Circle Fleet was present near Valor, a space station orbiting the planet Carida in the Carida system of the Colonies region. On its dorsal surface, that ship had a central red stripe from the bow to the superstructure, four red stripes on each aft wing, and one Open Circle emblem on each side of the centerline near amidships.

The Venator I-class was succeeded by the Venator II-class, the latter of which was utilized by both the Republic and the Galactic Empire, which was formed from the Republic in 19 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The Venator I-class Star Destroyer was first pictured, albeit unnamed, in "Republic Reinforcements," an article published by Fantasy Flight Games for the Star Wars: Armada miniatures game on their website on January 25, 2021. The article advertised the Venator-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack, released by Atomic Mass Games on April 16, 2021. In the expansion pack, the Venator I-class Star Destroyer was identified as such on a card of the same name.

