It's not wise to upset a Wookiee. Miree helps a youngling learn to control their raging temper.
Aboard the Youngling Care Space Station, M1-RE ("Miree") introduces herself as a member of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts while wiping CAM-E's visual processors. She studies the behavior of younglings from across the galaxy in tandem with SF-R3 ("Aree"). Miree deals with an upset Wookiee youngling.
She teaches the Wookiee youngling to do deep breaths but it lets out a big roar. The Wookiee then plays with a ball. The second tip is that Wookiees love to have their hair braided. After a game of musical chairs, Miree entices the Wookiee with a treat and compliments him for learning how to control his temper. She adds that the Wookiee still needs to learn how to control his strength.