Across the Roon Sea

The twelfth episode of Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO is called "Across the Roon Sea". It was penned by Sharman DiVono based on a narrative by Ben Burtt, and Ken Stephenson directed it. The original broadcast occurred on November 23, 1985 via ABC.


The episode commences with a probe droid in flight above a meandering river and vibrant terrain. R2-D2 and C-3PO are shown mending Mungo Baobab's starship along the river's edge. C-3PO, while repairing the ship's undercarriage, feels envious of R2-D2, who was assigned the task of spray-painting the vessel. C-3PO attempts to demonstrate his capabilities, but ends up accidentally stepping into a bucket filled with paint. Following the final test-firing, Mungo comes to the conclusion that they ought to head back to Manda.

C-3PO expresses his eagerness to return to their point of origin, but also voices his disappointment that their mission to locate Roonstones did not bear fruit. Mungo concurs, stating that this particular endeavor will not be remembered as a resounding success within the Baobab Archives. He complains about his father's ship being lost to Governor Koong and the failure to find the Roonstones. C-3PO offers reassurance to Mungo, reminding him that they gained friends in the form of the Yomm family. Mungo expresses sadness, noting that Auren Yomm embarked on a quest of her own, leading him to believe she is indifferent to their departure. The droids observe that Mungo has developed an affection for Auren.

Artoo detects something, but Threepio attributes it to paint interfering with his sensors. Unbeknownst to the droids, Admiral Screed, Governor Koong, and Gaff are observing them through Koong's Sloyd Probe. Admiral Screed expresses surprise that a remote planet like Roon possesses such an advanced surveillance system. However, he proceeds to reprimand Governor Koong for his failure to secure the Roonstones for the Galactic Empire. Koong advocates for patience, asserting his belief that Baobab will guide them to the Roonstones' location. He promises that Gaff will be prepared.

Later on, Auren and her father Nilz Yomm, riding rockhoppers, arrive to visit Mungo and the droids. Mungo feels relieved that they have not forgotten him. Auren expresses her relief that they returned in time. She presents Mungo with a gift, which turns out to be a Roonstone. When Mungo inquires about its origin, Nilz advises him to consult the hermit "Old Ogger", an aged prospector residing near the Bantha Garage, for further information. Mungo decides to seek out "Old Ogger." The Imperials are monitoring their conversation and dispatch Gaff to gather all available information. Screed sends two stormtroopers to accompany Gaff, cautioning that any Roonstones discovered will become property of the Empire. Koong adds, "and its allies."

Encountering Oggem Baobab

Auren, Mungo, and the droids journey across a desolate plain amidst rainfall. They seek refuge from the rain within an old agricultural freighter. While exploring the abandoned freighter, R2-D2 detects movement, but C-3PO dismisses it as the ship settling into the mud. C-3PO is startled by the sight of a space suit. Continuing their exploration of the ship, they come across "Old Ogger." Auren introduces herself, and Mungo explains that they have come to inquire about the Roonstones.

"Old Ogger" requests Mungo to approach, citing his impaired vision due to old age. He recognizes that Mungo is wearing the colors of the Baobab Merchant Fleet and asks his identity. After Mungo introduces himself, "Old Ogger" reveals himself as Mungo's great-uncle, Oggem Baobab, who departed sixty years prior in search of the Roonstones. Oggem recounts his marooning after his ship crashed and reveals that he discovered six bags filled with Roonstones. Oggem explains that he nearly located the source of the Roonstones and expresses his desire to share his knowledge. He entrusts his quest to Mungo, but advises him to prioritize family and friends over treasure. Oggem then passes away. Auren and Mungo care for Oggem in his final moments.

Mungo gathers the six bags of Roonstones, which Auren acknowledges as a substantial fortune left by his uncle Oggem. C-3PO inquires about the kit bag that Oggem left for Mungo. Inside, Mungo finds a memling, which C-3PO describes to R2-D2 as a complex element valued for its mutable properties. Auren and Mungo notice the memling's ability to change shape. Mungo also discovers a blaster–like device within the kit bag, which the droids identify as a weapon.

Another item within the kit bag is a pyramidical device inscribed with different languages on its sides. C-3PO reads an inscription that states, "In fire and ice, the white stones glow. Frozen forever, yet warmed from below." Mungo believes this riddle holds a clue to the location of the remaining Roonstones. He aspires to fulfill Uncle Ogeem's wish and create a significant chapter in the Baobab Archives.

Auren attempts to dissuade him, pointing out that he possesses sufficient Roonstones without locating the source. She also cautions about potential dangers and reminds him of Uncle Oggem's last words, emphasizing that treasure is secondary to family and friends. Mungo remains determined to continue the quest and asks Auren for the location of the nearest settlement to acquire supplies. She directs him to the nearby port of Nime. Despite Auren's pleas, Mungo departs on his rockhopper for Nime.

Problems at Nime

In Nime, the group assembles at an inn, where C-3PO endeavors to obtain information about the Roonstones from a pair of Lutki information brokers, providing them with a bag of coins. Meanwhile, aboard his personal ship Roon Clipper, Governor Koong informs Gaff and his troops that Mungo and his companions have been spotted at a nearby inn. Before C-3PO and Mungo can finalize the deal with the Lutki, Gaff and Koong's troops enter the inn under the guise of recruiting able-bodied volunteers for Governor Koong's navy.

Gaff identifies Mungo and demands his immediate departure. Mungo retaliates by throwing a bowl of soup in Gaff's face, causing him to stumble into the other enforcers of Koong. Mungo, Aurem, and R2-D2 escape, but C-3PO struggles to see due to his glasses. Gaff corners the four, but Mungo fires Oggem's blaster-like device, which is revealed to be a seed launcher that generates fast-growing vines that entangle him. The four flee, only to find their path blocked by Governor Koong and more enforcers. Mungo employs the seed launcher to entangle Governor Koong and some of his men with vines.

The rockhoppers flee, and Koong attempts to round them up despite Aurem's warning. R2-2 uses a lasoo to secure one of the rockhoppers, while Mungo struggles to secure the second. R2-D2 crashes into a basket of fruits. Gaff compels Mungo to surrender in order to save Aurem's life. Mungo yields for the time being.

Fleeing Servitude

Gaff commands his troops to seize the rockhoppers and transport them to the Roon Clipper, a galley propelled by sails. Mungo, Aurem, and Threepio are chained in the lower decks, forced to join other slaves in rowing the galley. Governor Koong informs his prisoners that Screed will be awaiting them on Koong Island. He instructs them to divulge all they know about the source of the Roonstones. The overseer cautions the slaves that they will perish with the ship if it sinks. Threepio's companion is Lin-D, an entertainment droid who constantly tells jokes. Lin-D attempts to remain optimistic, but C-3PO is pessimistic. Mungo is relieved that R2-D2 evaded capture.

Meanwhile, R2-D2 arrives at the port shortly after the ship departs. Artoo leaps off the pier and swims after the Roon Clipper. During the voyage, Lin-D shares jokes about Jabba the Hutt's weight in an attempt to uplift the other slaves, who do not respond well to his humor. Meanwhile, R2-D2, covered in seaweed, climbs onto the deck. A sentry droid spots him, but Artoo electrocutes him. He then rolls down to the lower decks and reunites with R2-D2.

Artoo proceeds to free Mungo, Aurem, and C-3PO. Mungo instructs R2-D2 to release the other prisoners and meet him on the deck, as he intends to retrieve the Roonstones. Aurem advises against it, but Mungo is resolute. The liberated prisoners overpower the overseer. Gaff senses unrest below deck and dispatches guards to investigate while he inspects the cargo hold. Upon reaching the cargo hold, he encounters Mungo. Gaff inadvertently discharges his blaster, igniting one of the ship's sails.

The slaves surge onto the deck and engage the guards in combat. Aurem urges Mungo and the droids to escape. Governor Koong awakens to find Gaff extinguishing a fire. By this time, the galley prisoners have escaped in the lifeboats. Koong is enraged that Mungo escaped with his Roonstones and orders Gaff to release the drones. Gaff objects that they will be unable to locate them in the fog, but Koong is determined to recover his Roonstones.

Drones and the Vortex

Gaff deploys two drone fighters into the fog. Mungo, Aurem, the droids, and Lin-D find their lifeboat sailing into a storm. Lin-D attempts to cheer them up with a joke about Goflings, but C-3PO and R2-D2 do not appreciate his humor. The drones overtake them and destroy the lifeboat's motor. Mungo utilizes a laser cannon emplacement to shoot down one of the drones. The ship's sail is damaged by an explosion and collapses on Lin-D. Mungo manages to eliminate the second drone fighter. Aurem expresses sorrow for Lin-D's loss.

The Roon Clipper approaches their lifeboat. Gaff informs Governor Koong that they have spotted their target. Koong orders his crew to charge at them. C-3PO points out that they are approaching a whirlpool. Mungo employs the Memling to create a makeshift sail, but Aurem notes that the boat is too heavy. Mungo instructs them to discard anything that is not secured. However, it remains insufficient.

With a heavy heart, Mungo throws the six Roonstones into the sea. This allows their boat to escape the whirlpool. Koong dispatches fighters after them, which Mungo easily destroys; the ship's sail falls onto Lin-D, however. Governor Koong and Gaff spot the whirlpool and order the helmsman to steer the Roon Clipper away. Gaff manages to steer the ship clear of the whirlpool and issues orders for the crew to set sail for Tawntoon immediately.

After the Fact

Via holoscreen, Admiral Screed scolds Koong for his incompetence and warns that the Emperor has no use for fools. Koong protests that Mungo's escape was purely accidental. Screed warns that there may not be another opportunity after his report. Koong vows to conquer Roon, uncover the secrets of the Roonstones, and eliminate Mungo Baobab.

Meanwhile, Aurem expresses her relief at being home and confesses her fear that the Roonstones would lead to their demise. Mungo has learned a valuable lesson about friendship and acknowledges that droids are also important friends. Mungo embraces Aurem, who senses that his adventure is not yet complete. Mungo resolves to translate the remaining message on the pyramidical stone once they arrive at Umboo in order to locate the source of the Roonstones.

R2-D2 also repairs Lin-D, who expresses his gratitude to the astromech droid. He tells him and Threepio that they make a good team and should consider performing on the road. He nicknames the trio "Lin-D and his Cosmic Cutups." C-3PO asks R2-D2 how he could subject him to this.

Cast List

