The Roon Games

The eleventh episode of Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO is called "The Roon Games". Ken Stephenson directed the episode, which was written by Gordon Kent and Peter Sauder from a story conceived by Ben Burtt. It was originally broadcast on November 16, 1985 by ABC.

Storyline Summary

Plummeting to Roon

C-3PO, R2-D2, and Mungo Baobab are headed towards the world of Roon, but they are pursued by drone fighters belonging to Governor Koong. Mungo attempts to evade them, but the drone fighters succeed in damaging their starship. While R2-D2 works to stabilize the ship, C-3PO becomes hysterical and argues with R2-D2 about abandoning ship. Mungo ends up crashing his ship on Roon. Nilz Yomm and his daughter Auren witness the starship's crash from the ground. Nilz instructs Auren to go and investigate.

Koong's Goals

In the meantime, in outer space, the droid pilot informs Gaff, the aide-de-camp of Governor Koong, that their mission was a success. Gaff, pleased with this news, tells Bun-Dingo to take over the controls while he informs the Governor. Admiral Terrinald Screed is growing impatient with Koong for failing to deliver the promised Roonstones to the Emperor. Koong asserts that he has much more to offer the Emperor. Screed doubts that a desolate planet like Roon could provide anything of value to the Emperor.

Koong suggests that they compete in the Roon Colonial Games to win the Roonstones from Umboo. Gaff informs Koong that Mungo has been eliminated. While Koong celebrates, Screed remains unimpressed and reminds Koong that he is only the Governor of the Tawntoom province. Koong claims that he controls the entire planet, except for Umboo. Koong vows to defeat Umboo's champions during the Games. Despite his contempt for Koong, Screed decides to give Koong a chance to take control of Umboo at the Roon Games. Koong orders Gaff to set a course for the Roon Games.

Encountering the Locals

Elsewhere, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Mungo emerge from their wrecked starship. C-3PO falls from the top of the ship and lands in the mud. A giant Mudman then grabs him. Another Mudman jumps onto R2-D2's dome. Mungo notices more Mudmen on top of his starship. Mungo tries to help C-3PO by attacking the Mudman, but it splits into three additional Mudmen.

At that moment, Auren arrives on her rockhopper and uses Artoo's water pump to disperse the Mudmen. After scaring away the Mudmen, Auren explains to the newcomers that the Mudmen are harmless and are simply attracted to shiny metal objects like droids. Mungo disagrees, pointing to the damage to his starship. Auren retorts that she should have left them alone. This prompts Mungo to apologize and thank her for her help. He introduces himself as Mungo Baobab from the Baobab Merchant Fleet and introduces R2-D2 and C-3PO as well.

Auren introduces herself and explains that she and her father, Nilz, were on their way to the Roon Games when they witnessed their starship crash. Nilz Yomm soon arrives in his landspeeder and asks Mungo if he had trouble with Governor Koong. Mungo explains that they were prospecting for Roonstones when Koong's drone ships spotted them and pursued them. Auren explains that Governor Koong desires to control everything on Roon but promises that he will never control the free spirit of their home province of Umboo. Auren pledges to find a way to defeat Koong.

Nilz offers to take Mungo and the droids to the Roon Games, suggesting that they might find someone to help them repair the ship. Gaff, observing the crash site, realizes that Mungo has survived. When Bun-Dingo asks if they should inform Governor Koong, Gaff advises against it, fearing that his master will lose favor with Admiral Screed. Gaff decides to kill Mungo himself. When Bun-Dingo asks about Auren Yomm being Koong's competition, Gaff replies that she "was" his only competition.

Evading the Shamunaar

As they travel down Roon, Gaff observes that the Yomms, Mungo, and the droids are near a Shamunaar, a massive, ancient hibernating creature. He fires a blaster bolt near the creature's eye, waking it up. This causes the ground near the crash site to shake. Auren believes it's an earthquake, but Nilz explains that it is a Shamunaar, an ancient beast that hibernates for decades. Gaff hopes that unleashing the angry Shamunaar will result in the deaths of Auren and the others, eliminating Koong's competition.

The giant red, saurian creature scatters the droids, Mungo, and the Yomms. Mungo and the droids take cover inside crevices and caves. The Shamunaar begins smashing rocks and other structures with its massive tail. Nilz is pessimistic, but Auren believes that they can still defeat the beast. She rides her rockhopper and charges to confront the creature. C-3PO and R2-D2 huddle in fear as Auren rides her rockhopper under the creature's legs. The Shamunaar causes her to fall off her mount. Mungo tells the droids that they must draw the beast away from Auren.

Mungo rides the rockhopper while C-3PO and R2-D2 taunt the beast. Mungo manages to rescue Auren, and they lead the Shamunaar on a chase. R2-D2 jabbers at the beast in binary until Mungo tells them to flee. Nilz picks up the droids in his landspeeder, with R2-D2 riding with a grappling hook. Having failed to capture its prey, the exhausted Shamunaar goes back to sleep. Nilz is relieved that they have tired out the creature. C-3PO tells his master Mungo that he is relieved he survived. Mungo gives credit to Auren and Nilz. Impressed with Mungo's riding skills, Auren suggests that he compete in the Roon Games against Governor Koong's Team.

Accepting Auren's invitation, Mungo tells R2-D2 and C-3PO that they are heading for the Roon Games and glory. Before leaving, R2-D2 captures a Mudman that attempts to cling to him. As they travel to the Roon Games, C-3PO remarks that he has experienced all the glory that he can handle for the next millennium.

Imperial Machinations

The group travels to a stadium where the Roon Games are being held. Droids prepare the stadium while a green alien and a blue tentacled alien announce the contestants. The first event is the Drainsweeper Race. From their upper suite, Admiral Screed tells Governor Koong that the Emperor would have enjoyed these games provided he always won. Governor Koong attempts to flatter Screed by describing the Emperor as a man after his own heart. Screed reminds him that Koong's team has yet to compete with the Umboo Rebel champions in the final event.

The green alien announcer announces that if Auren Yomm and her team fail to appear, Governor Koong's team wins by default. To Screed's dismay, he discovers Baobab has survived the crash. Koong is horrified and chokes on his food. The television shows footage of Auren Yomm and her Umboo riders, as well as Baobab. The announcer mentions that Gee Long and the droid BIX have won the Drainsweeper event for three consecutive years. He explains that they are the only team who have managed to hold out against Governor Koong and his ruthless Tawntoom team.

Screed warns that his Emperor dislikes allies who lose, while Koong warns Gaff that he cannot afford any more mistakes. He orders Gaff to destroy his rivals. Gaff responds that he has already set a plan in motion against the Umboo team. He says that Baobab is his.

Acts of Sabotage

Meanwhile, at their tent, Artoo has adopted a pet Mudman while C-3PO rests his legs. Mungo tells the droids that the crowd loved BIX and Gee Long, two members of Auren's racing team. Mungo thinks that they should take advantage of their free time to track down a repair crew for the cloud car. Unbeknownst to them, Bun-Dingo is spying on them. As they leave, Bun Dingo steals Artoo's pet Mudman. R2-D2 attacks the larger droid but is brushed aside. Artoo catches Bun-Dingo sabotaging BIX by unplugging him while he is being charged. Bun-Dingo also pours droid coolant into the Mupple juice supply. Gee Long drinks the contaminated liquid and convulses in pain.

Elsewhere, C-3PO serves Mungo some Mupple juice. A distressed R2-D2 arrives to warn them that they are in danger. Just then, Gaff attacks Mungo from behind, leaving him with a poisonous scratch. Back at the tent, Mungo awakes with C-3PO and Nilz inside the tent. Nilz explained that he had a run-in with Koong's henchman Gaff. Auren attends to the ill Gee Long, who is unable to race due to food poisoning. R2-D2 drains the droid coolant from the Mupple juice supply. BIX is also unable to recharge until the next race.

With the Drainsweeper Race approaching, C-3PO suggests another droid but is reluctant to volunteer himself. He suggests R2-D2, but the droid is preoccupied with Gee Long and beeps back in binary. The alien announcer announces that Umboo can still win the games if they can defeat Tawntoom in the Drainsweeper Race. Gaff is confident that the Tawntoom team will win due to his sabotage. However, he is alarmed to see that Mungo and C-3PO have joined the race.

The Drainsweeper Competition

Mungo tells C-3PO that the Drainsweeper Race is a three-lap relay. If he can stay in the race, Mungo says that he and Auren will do the rest. C-3PO says he will try his best and hopes that Bun-Dingo doesn't have any surprises for him. R2-D2 wheels away to deal with Bun-Dingo. Koong hopes that the defeat of the Umboo team will allow him to bring the province under his heel. Meanwhile, Bun-Dingo brings the captive Mudman into his laboratory. While Bun-Dingo is distracted, Artoo swipes back the pet Mudman and replaces his turbo coolant with a different one.

Threepio starts the Drawinsweeper Race. Tawntoon takes the lead followed by the Galaxeed team. The Galaxeed rider attempts to challenge the Tawntoon champion, but the latter knocks the former into a pit, where an operator uses an artificial gravity generator to ensure a safe landing. Gaff knocks the artificial gravity operator out and takes over, turning the gravity up to ensure a fatal landing.

C-3PO completes the first race safely but in last place. He attempts to pass the baton to Mungo but falls off his rockhopper steed. Mungo catches the baton and mounts the rockhopper. Auren reassures C-3PO he was terrific, as does R2-D2. During the second leg, Mungo almost gets knocked off by a tentacled rider but manages to knock the competitor out instead, leaving only Auren and Bun-Dingo to complete the final lap.

Prior to the third leg, Gaff asks Bun-Dingo if he has enough turbo coolant. Bun-Dingo says he has a full tank. Gaff tells Bun-Dingo to push Auren Yomm into the funnel, where he hopes she will fall to her death. Mungo passes the baton to Auren, who rides after Bun-Dingo. He tries to activate the turbo coolant, but it begins bubbling instead. Losing control, Bun Dingo falls into the funnel and crashes into the ground, breaking into pieces. The green alien announcer announces that Tawntoon's rider has fallen.

Refusing to concede defeat, Gaff tries to sabotage Auren by shining a bright light in her eyes, but Artoo drops the pet Mudman over Gaff's head. Gaff throws off the Mudman, but it divides into five smaller Mudmen who carry Gaff away. The alien announcer announces Umboo as the winner of the race once more. Auren dismounts and hugs Mungo.


Elsewhere in the stadium, a displeased Admiral Screed warns Governor Roong that he will no longer be given any chances and demands the Roonstones that were promised to the Galactic Empire. He orders Koong to deliver them to him.

Meanwhile, Auren, along with Mungo and C-3PO, attend the award ceremony. Having found fans, Auren believes that Mungo will have little trouble finding a repair crew. She says she will miss Mungo and the droids. Mungo replies that they will only leave if they can't find any more Roonstones. Auren promises Mungo that she'll help him find his own Roonstones. C-3PO gives his medal to R2-D2, believing that he truly deserves the award. He asks R2-D2 to do the riding next time.

Cast and Crew

