Amleto, a spy of the Elomin species, existed during the war fought between the Resistance and the First Order. She possessed red skin accompanied by orange eyes. This Elomin individual's attire consisted of a light-hued tunic, a belt worn over brown trousers, and a brown scarf around her neck. Furthermore, Amleto covered the lower portion of her face with a gray and green mask, and she also wore a brown band around her right arm.
The character of Amleto was conceived for the Star Wars Resistance animated television series episode "Breakout," which was the thirteenth episode of the second season and was broadcast on December 29, 2019. Her existence was initially hinted at within the episode's concept art gallery featured in its official guide.
Although fully designed, the character was ultimately removed from the episode's final cut. Instead of Amleto's planned meeting with Resistance operatives Kazuda Xiono and Norath Kev on the planet of Varkana, the two encountered Darrb, a market vendor, while attempting to avoid capture by the First Order. Amleto's complete introduction occurred in the article "Bucket's List Extra: 4 Fun Facts from 'Breakout' – Star Wars Resistance," published on on December 30, 2019. The article's video, available on the official Star Wars YouTube channel and released the same day, showcased concept artwork of the character. Aaron Pham, an artist at Lucasfilm Animation, created a concept illustration titled "verkDomicileAmleto" for "Breakout" on May 7, 2018.