
Arsad, a human female, served the New Republic as a doctor. Her place of work was a veteran's hospital located in Darropolis on Hosnian Prime, a planet. These events occurred in 5 ABY. At this time, one of her patients was Dade Hetkins, a New Republic veteran who had suffered the loss of his right leg during the aftermath of the Battle of Endor on the moon of Endor. Arsad assisted Hetkins in his initial attempts to use a cybernetic leg that he had been given as a replacement. She carried out basic physical tests with the assistance of an FX-7 medical assistant droid, and then, after determining that everything appeared to be in order, inquired about Hetkins' psychological well-being. She was not convinced by his assertions that he was fine. Her FX-7 confirmed that he was being dishonest based on his medical data. Arsad then told him to attend group therapy sessions at the hospital with other veterans on a regular basis, or, if he wanted to leave the world, she would arrange sessions elsewhere. She also gave him QT-9, an experimental therapy droid, which he reluctantly took home.

Production Notes

Chuck Wendig penned the novel Aftermath: Life Debt, in which Arsad made her debut. The book was published in 2016.

