Attack on Attichitcuk's camp

Sometime between the dates of 39 BBY and 36 BBY, a group of four predatory gundarks assailed a camp established by the Wookiee Chieftain Attichitcuk on the moon known as Alaris Prime. A significant wave of Wookiee colonists had previously journeyed to Alaris Prime around that time to establish a settlement, and Attichitcuk, in his role as their leader, had initiated the exploration of the lunar landscape, designating the camp as their initial operational hub. Attichitcuk remained alone at the camp for a short duration until his relative Shoran and offspring, Chewbacca, who were also leaders among the colonists and under the guidance of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, made their way to the camp to offer assistance. Concurrently, the gundarks commenced their assault on the camp, compelling the three Wookiees into a confrontation where they were forced to eliminate the creatures. Following the attack, the colonists continued their exploration of Alaris Prime, eventually achieving the successful colonization of the celestial body.


The Thalmussen travels to Alaris Prime.

In the period spanning 59 BBY to 56 BBY, Alaris Prime, a moon orbiting the gas giant Alaris, was re-discovered by scouts of the Wookiee species originating from the planet Kashyyyk. The Wookiees, with Chieftan Attichitcuk as their representative, formally requested permission from the Senate of the Galactic Republic to be granted colonization rights for the moon. After a prolonged political debate lasting two decades, their request was ultimately approved. In recognition of his accomplishment in the Senate, Attichitcuk was appointed as the leader of the colonists. Together with his son, Chewbacca, his nephew Shoran, and the remaining colonists, they embarked on a journey to Alaris Prime aboard several transport vessels, including the Thalmussen, sometime between 39 BBY and 36 BBY. Furthermore, the Jedi High Council dispatched Qui-Gon Jinn, a Master belonging to the Jedi Order, to provide assistance to the Wookiees by instructing them in various techniques pertinent to colonization.

Upon their arrival on the lunar surface, Attichitcuk initiated an exploratory mission while the other colonists remained within their transports. He left behind markers to guide others in following his path and proceeded to construct a camp. Subsequently, Shoran commenced scouting activities but was interrupted upon discovering a power core constructed by the Trade Federation, a galactic corporation that had disregarded the Senate's decision and was initiating its own colonization efforts on Alaris Prime. The power core had sustained damage from gundarks, a non-sentient predatory species native to Alaris Prime, thereby hindering the Federation's further development in that particular area. Shoran awaited Chewbacca's arrival, and, acting upon guidance from Jinn, the Wookiees destroyed the power core and followed Attichitcuk's markers until they located him at his camp. Shortly after the arrival of the two Wookiees, four gundarks advanced towards the base with the intention of attacking it.

The attack

Attichitcuk detected the scent of the gundarks and promptly alerted the other Wookiees to their presence. Jinn also observed the approaching creatures but reassured the colonists that the gundarks posed no significant threat to Wookiee warriors. Employing their bowcasters—Wookiee-designed projectile weapons—the three Wookiees unleashed a barrage of fire upon the attacking gundarks, eliminating all of them and successfully defending the camp.


Attichitcuk's camp was saved from the gundarks.

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Jinn posited that the gundarks recently defeated by the Wookiees were likely the same ones responsible for damaging the power core encountered earlier. Subsequently, the remaining Wookiee colonists disembarked from the transports and commenced the process of colonizing Alaris Prime. Following another attack on a Wookiee base, the colonists resolved to rid Alaris Prime of the gundarks and launched an attack on their nest, where they uncovered the Trade Federation's illicit presence on the moon. This discovery precipitated a series of conflicts that culminated in the Wookiees defeating the Federation and asserting their ownership of Alaris Prime.

Behind the scenes

The attack on Attichitcuk's camp was initially referenced in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide authored by Steven L. Kent,—released on November 7, 2001—before its inclusion in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. The attack constitutes the initial level of the Wookiee tutorial campaign, entitled "Moving and Attacking," wherein the player is instructed on how to engage opponents by utilizing the Wookiees to overcome the gundarks. The player has the potential to fail the level if either Attichitcuk, Chewbacca, or Shoran is killed, although the strategy guide indicates that this outcome is exceedingly improbable.

