Balmorran puppet government

The reconstituted Sith Empire established the Balmorran puppet government on Balmorra following their triumph over the Galactic Republic in the Great Galactic War. This administration consisted of local individuals who aided Imperial troops in seizing control of what was the largest factory world in the galaxy. These individuals were granted positions within the government and in the newly nationalized factories and industrial facilities as compensation for their "loyal" service to the Empire. The Balmorran resistance deeply resented this puppet regime, as many of its members participated in war crimes that led to the deaths of numerous civilians.

A network of clandestine collaborators acted as spies during the Cold War and Galactic War, working for the Sith Empire and its puppet government against the resistance fighters. The Balmorran resistance desperately sought a list containing the identities of these betrayers, as it was a crucial target for their war efforts.

Among the most infamous corporate executives who were granted desirable positions within the puppet government for their collaboration was Brel Orus.

