Bastian was a lieutenant and starfighter pilot who identified as a human male. He fought for the Resistance during their conflict against the First Order. As part of Red Squadron, a group of T-70 X-wing starfighters, he took part in the assault on Starkiller Base. During the battle, Bastian, flying as Red Four, was given the duty by Poe Dameron of ensuring the safety of Dameron and the other pilots. Following the successful assault and the destruction of Starkiller Base, he joined the other surviving pilots in celebration.

Bastian was a male human character characterized by dark skin, [brown](/article/color] eyes, and black hair. He was a respected and skilled pilot, known for his experience, professionalism, and intelligence. Bastian displayed bravery and a strong commitment to the cause of freedom, firmly opposing the ideals of the First Order.
As a pilot of an X-wing, he was seen wearing a red flight suit and a white flight helmet marked with red, along with the unit insignia representing Cobalt Squadron.
Tosin Cole played Bastian in the 2015 Star Wars movie Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which was directed by J.J. Abrams and written by Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, and Michael Arndt. Cole successfully auditioned for the part. Due to the production's need for secrecy, the actor used a special app to access the script, learning his lines on the spot, and was prohibited from removing any script from the set.
Jason Fry, who authored the novelization of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, had initially hoped to feature the pilots who flew alongside Dameron in The Force Awakens in a mission explaining their absence from the later film, but he ultimately determined that the plotline lacked a satisfying resolution.