Battle of Osarian

title: Osarian-Rhommamool Conflict: The Spark

The Osarian and Rhommamool worlds clashed in a battle that ignited the Osarian-Rhommamool conflict. This event marked the opening of hostilities between the two planetary neighbors.


The root cause of the conflict between these two planets lay in the oppression experienced by the Rhommamoolians at the hands of their wealthier Osarian counterparts. Every decade, the orbits of the two planets brought them within a million kilometers of each other, which often led to heightened tensions. The affluent Osarians enjoyed a life of luxury on pristine beaches and around crystalline lakes. Conversely, the Rhommamoolians, for the most part, endured impoverished lives as miners on their harsh desert planet.

The Rhommamoolians also lacked sufficient representation within the Osarian government, which held authority over both planets, leading to disadvantages for them. While the majority of miners had willingly migrated to Rhommamool, a significant number were criminals exiled from Osarian as punishment for their offenses. Osarian also possessed a small space-based military force, although its technological capabilities were primarily focused on ground-based systems.

Escalating Tensions

Nom Anor, an agent of the Yuuzhan Vong, deliberately fueled the flames of war by instigating religious and anti-technology sentiments among the Rhommamoolians. Anor established the extremist group known as the Red Knights of Life, promoting hatred towards all forms of technology, from droids to landspeeders. He urged his followers to seek "truth" in nature and the universe's life force, and to resist the unification of planets in "false confederations."

The Red Knights harbored animosity towards the New Republic and the Jedi. In 25 ABY, the Red Knights seized control of Rhommamool and unleashed a campaign of destruction against all technology. They dragged droids to the Square of Hopeful Redemption in the Rhommamoolian city of Redhaven, where they were thrown into a large pit and pelted with rocks, with C-9PO being a particularly notable victim. To advance his agenda, Nom Anor established an independent senate and utilized the religious zealots of the Red Knights of Life.

In response to Anor's incitement against Osarian, the New Republic dispatched the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, Mediator (Mediator), to maintain order. Meanwhile, Jedi Knight Wurth Skidder arrived to take independent action against any aggressor. Shunta Osarian Dharrg, the leader of Osarian, enlisted the services of Captain Grappa and his Osarian First-Force to aid in the planet's defense.

Despite the attempts at negotiation by Leia Organa Solo, Jaina Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker, and C-3PO, the situation proved irreconcilable. Anor's sole intention was to instigate maximum destruction and chaos. After their departure, Anor stirred his followers into a frenzy and orchestrated the assassination of several key Rhommamoolian leaders, using it as justification for declaring war on Osarian.

Initial Attacks

During a meeting with the other Red Knights, Nom Anor proposed launching a nuclear missile strike against the Osarian capital, Osa-Prime. Tamaktis Breetha, a more moderate figure, opposed this plan, fearing open warfare between the two planets. However, Breetha received little support. To prevent the Mediator from intercepting the missiles and to ensure they reached their targets, he and Shok Tinoktin meticulously analyzed planetary trajectories and the New Republic starship's positioning.

The missiles were launched from a location that minimized the detectability of their initial explosive liftoff and subsequent engine burn. After breaking orbit, the missiles were deactivated to appear as insignificant debris to the Mediator's crew. They were then reactivated, entering Osarian's atmosphere and striking Osa-Prime. By the time the Mediator and the Osarians realized what was happening, it was too late. The Osarians attempted to intercept the missiles with their own missiles and starfighters, but their efforts were futile, and Osa-Prime was soon engulfed in flames.

Neutralizing the Mediator

When Commander Ackdool contacted Nom Anor, he claimed responsibility for the attack, stating it was retaliation for the assassination of Rhommamoolian officials, before severing communication. Subsequently, Nom Anor and Shok Tinoktin departed Rhommamool in an empty booster shell containing a modified RZ-1 A-wing interceptor and nuclear fission explosives. Their plan was to detonate the shell within the Mediator, presumably killing Nom Anor and turning him into a martyr for Rhommamool, while they escaped in their A-wing. This mission required them to navigate through a barrage of starfighters and missiles. By this point, massive red thermonuclear clouds were forming over Osarian as Rhommamool launched more missiles.

Upon approaching the Mediator, the booster shell established a connection with the battle cruiser. In the capsule's cockpit, Nom Anor placed a villip that mimicked his actions, serving as a decoy while he remotely piloted the booster shell from their A-wing. During their approach, they were attacked by Osarian Z-95 Headhunters. Nom Anor then offered Ackdool a ceasefire in exchange for protection on their approach to the Mediator and safe escort back to Rhommamool after their discussion. Once in position, the A-wing detached from the booster shell. Nom Anor and Tinoktin escaped in their A-wing, while the booster shell crashed into the battle cruiser's lower docking bay and detonated, causing extensive damage to the Mediator's lower levels, effectively crippling it.


Nom Anor was presumed dead, which would have made him a martyr for Rhommamool and intensified the conflict. However, he and his accomplice escaped. Following this, Prefect Da'Gara contacted Nom Anor and proposed that their next target be Sernpidal, which they would destroy using the Yo'gand's Core tactic. This involved using a dovin basal to cause the planet to collide with one of its moons.

Later, the Red Knights of Life attacked Osarian, but they were repelled by the Iron Knights, who were allied with the Jedi.

