The confrontation known as the battle of RS-32 took place during the Zaarin insurrection, with the objective of securing control over the space station RS-32.
Following the successful repelling of an assault by the Rebel forces on both Rope 17 and ZA-13, which involved Mag pulse warheads, the Imperial High Command sought to acquire further intelligence regarding this particular weapon. Their hope was to potentially integrate it into their own arsenal in the near future. Furthermore, command harbored concerns that the renegade Grand Admiral Zaarin might also possess the same weapon.
Initially, 3 TIE Defenders arrived at the scene. Among the pilots was Maarek Stele. They immediately engaged the Z-95 Headhunter/Legends and the Escort shuttle designated TT-109. Once the initial defenses were neutralized, the TIE Defenders launched heavy rockets, which successfully penetrated the station's shields. This prompted the launch of T-wings, which were swiftly eliminated, and a transport named Blue, carrying Officers. Stele disabled the transport. The station then requested reinforcements, which manifested first as X-wings, followed by two Modified corvettes named Rampart, A-wings and lastly B-wings. However, Maarek Stele managed to delay the reinforcements, allowing the assault transport named Leopard to board and seize control of the platform. Simultaneously, the Escort shuttle Sigma 1 arrived to board the transport Blue, capturing it and setting its course to the Victory-class Star Destroyer named Sceltor. By the time the reinforcements were dealt with, two additional transports from Omega and Lambda had docked with RS-32, delivering more troops to the platform.
Despite the accomplishment of the mission objectives, Zaarin exploited the situation to destroy ZA-13, along with a significant portion of the remaining TIE Advanced production facilities. This represented a major setback for the Empire's manufacturing capabilities. To make matters worse, Zaarin had successfully located the strike team leading the assault on RS-32 and sprung a deadly trap.
This particular battle was initially presented in the 1994 LucasArts video game Star Wars: TIE Fighter, where players assume the role of Maarek Stele. The battle is portrayed in the mission titled "Capture Mag Pulse Weapon," which is the fifth mission within the game's eighth tour of campaign, "Strategic Warfare."
This description assumes the successful completion of all "Primary," "Secondary," and "Bonus" objectives.