Bleth Fahr, a male Omwati exhibiting Force-sensitivity, existed during the concluding decades of the Galactic Republic. Initially, Fahr was a member of the Jedi Order, but he later forsook the Jedi path and aligned himself with the Believers, a cult devoted to the Sith that was active within the Cularin system. In approximately 31 BBY, Fahr was present at a clandestine Believer base located on the planet Coruscant and became embroiled in a Believer scheme to obtain the Pulas, an ancient Sith artifact. Fahr's attempt to unlock a stolen box made of Mandalorian iron, which the Believers mistakenly believed contained the Pulas, was thwarted when he was attacked and subdued by a group of Jedi-allied agents dispatched to retrieve the stolen container.
During the final decades of the Galactic Republic, Bleth Fahr, a male Omwati with Force-sensitivity, was a member of the Jedi Order. Within the Order, he specialized as a combat-focused Jedi Guardian, a Jedi specialization. However, at some point, he succumbed to the dark side of the Force and transformed into a Dark Jedi. Abandoning the Jedi Order, he joined the Believers, a cult that worshipped the Sith and operated within the Cularin system. Furthermore, he acquired a stolen lightsaber, a weapon crafted by the esteemed Jedi Master Mace Windu.
Around 31 BBY, a team of Jedi researchers made a discovery: the Pulas, an ancient and potent Sith artifact, housed within the Sith fortress on the planet Almas. To safeguard the Pulas from the clutches of the Believers, the Jedi orchestrated its shipment away from Almas, intending to secure it within the Jedi Temple, the Jedi Order's headquarters situated on the planet Coruscant. The Believers devised a scheme to pilfer the Pulas upon its arrival on Coruscant. As part of this plot, Fahr, along with the Human scoundrel Malyas and a contingent of Believer thugs, convened at a secret base concealed deep within the Coruscant undercity.
With the assistance of Es'Loma, a Tarasin Force witch, a group of Believers successfully seized a Mandalorian iron box from a Coruscant landing platform, believing it contained the Pulas. In reality, the box served as a decoy, a deliberate deception by the Jedi, and instead held a fragment of the dark-side infused city Conkesta. The Believers transported the box to their clandestine undercity base, positioning it upon an altar. Fahr then attempted to breach the box, employing both his lightsaber and a collection of tools.
Shortly thereafter, a team of agents allied with the Jedi arrived at the Believer facility, pursuing the stolen box. Fahr issued a threat, declaring that the Believer cultists would kill the agents if they failed to immediately vacate the base. Undeterred, the agents stood their ground, and in the ensuing conflict, Fahr, Es'Loma, Malyas, and the Believer thugs were defeated. Subsequently, the Mandalorian iron box was recovered by the agents and escorted to the Jedi Temple.
Bleth Fahr possessed blue skin, white hair, and delicate features. Despite his vocal support for the Believers, Fahr was not entirely consumed by their ideology. He actively sought to recruit new members to the cult, drawing upon his past experiences as a Jedi to demonstrate mercy towards his targets, aiming to gain an advantage in his manipulative endeavors. In challenging situations, Fahr displayed a steadfast refusal to surrender, even at the risk of his own life. Consequently, during the raid on the Believer Coruscant undercity base by the Jedi-allied agents, Fahr's primary objective was to escape with the stolen Mandalorian iron box, regardless of the cost.
Fahr demonstrated proficiency in utilizing the Force for various purposes, including sensing things, manipulating objects through telekinesis, draining energy, and healing and strengthening himself. He also possessed knowledge of the powers Battlemind, Hatred, See Force and Summon Storm. Furthermore, Fahr exhibited skill in the art of lightsaber combat.
While serving the Believers, Fahr donned black robes and wielded both a blaster pistol and a purple-bladed lightsaber. This lightsaber, originally constructed by Jedi Master Mace Windu for training purposes, was lost in the Outer Rim region while on loan to a Jedi Padawan. It changed hands several times before ultimately being acquired by Fahr.
Bleth Fahr, a creation of Morrie Mullins, made his debut in Coruscani Dawn, a 2002 roleplaying adventure that was part of Year 2 of the Living Force campaign. The adventure was first presented at Celebration II, a Star Wars fan convention that took place in Indianapolis, Indiana.
In Coruscani Dawn, players assume the role-play of the agents tasked with recovering the stolen Mandalorian iron box. The encounter with Fahr at the Believer hideout can lead to various outcomes. If the player characters manage to apprehend a Believer guard stationed at the base entrance, Fahr and the other cultists are caught off guard. Conversely, if the guard alerts Fahr to the approaching Jedi-allied agents, Fahr and the cultists will gather in the central chamber of the base, prepared to confront the player characters. Players have the option to incapacitate or eliminate Fahr, and they can also seize his lightsaber.
Coruscani Dawn also allows for Jedi Knight Devan For'deschel to join the player characters in their battle against Fahr. If For'deschel duels Fahr and gains the upper hand, Fahr manages to land a lucky blow at the last moment and subsequently flees. Should the player characters be defeated and immobilized by the Believers, Fahr ensures they receive medical attention to stabilize their condition, leaving medpacs nearby. He then escapes into the Coruscant undercity along with the other Believers.