Block was a naval admiral within the Galactic Republic's navy. During the Clone Wars conflict against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, he served on the Venator-class Star Destroyer known as the Vigilance. In 19 BBY, Block commanded the Republic's naval strength when Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Quinlan Vos spearheaded an attack targeting the Separatist listening post situated on the planet Vanqor located in the Outer Rim Territories. As the team got ready to go down to the world's surface, the admiral inquired of Kenobi if launching another wave of fighters was desired, and the general agreed. Vos, secretly aligned with Sith Lord Count Dooku, alerted his master about the impending assault, enabling the Separatists to evacuate the base before the arrival of Republic forces.
The character of Block made an appearance in Dark Disciple, a novel released in 2015 by Christie Golden. This novel was adapted from an unfinished story arc consisting of eight episodes for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, with writing credits attributed to Katie Lucas, Matt Michnovetz, and Dave Filoni. Block's initial introduction occurred within the Star Wars Legends timeline, specifically in the 2008 reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, authored by Stephen J. Sansweet, Pablo Hidalgo, among others.