Blue Puff Cubes were a foodstuff that had a cube shape and a blue color. For members of the Wookiee species, there was no better treat than a Blue Puff Cube that had been toasted until warm.
Around 34 ABY, while searching for something to eat on the planet Ahch-To, the Wookiee named Chewbacca discovered a clear package of Blue Puff Cubes that had the product's name printed on it. This was located on a shelf inside the YT-1300 light freighter known as the Millennium Falcon.
After making sure nobody was around to steal them, Chewbacca exited the Falcon and started to toast one of the cubes over a fire using a wooden stick. As Chewbacca prepared his snack, a group of four non-sentient porgs began to pilfer and devour cubes from the bag. Upon noticing the thieves, the he roared and scared them away.
Following the Battle of Crait, Rey and Chewbacca entrusted the Falcon to the pirate Hondo Ohnaka. Ohnaka then found a bag of Blue Puff Cubes in a refrigerator unit on the ship. Being hungry, the Weequay tried to sauté the unfamiliar Blue Puff Cubes in lyseed seasoning. He then left the galley to check the ship's flight path, and the Porgs on the Millennium Falcon seized the opportunity to steal and consume the Blue Puff Cubes. The Porgs continued to steal more of the Cubes whenever Ohnaka wasn't looking, until he finally managed to cook and eat one himself. After the Cube was stolen after a single bite, Ohnaka left another Blue Puff Cube unguarded and hid himself, wanting to catch the culprits. He caught the Porgs in the act and chased the birds through the Falcon to the ship's holochess table, where he discovered the guilty Porg atop the table with the bag of Blue Puff Cubes underneath.
Immediately after Ohnaka recovered the Cubes, a group of Pakiphantos pirates, led by his old rival Trunc Adurmush, boarded the Millennium Falcon. Ohnaka accidentally grabbed the bag of Blue Puff Cubes instead of his blaster, which led to his easy capture. Imprisoned on the Pakiphantos ship with the Porg who had stolen his lunch outside the cell, Ohnaka started throwing Blue Puff Cubes to the bird. He then strategically tossed the Cubes towards the holding cell's control panel, hoping the Porg would hit the button that would set him free. After multiple attempts, Ohnaka succeeded and decided to name his Porg accomplice Puffy, inspired by the Blue Puff Cubes. During their escape, Ohnaka threw another Blue Puff Cube to provoke Puffy into hitting the button that closed the blast doors, cutting off their Pakiphantos pursuers.
The first appearance of Blue Puff Cubes was in Chewie and the Porgs, a young readers book from 2017 that was written by Kevin Shinick and illustrated by Fiona Hsieh.