Botor system

The Botor system was situated within the Botor Enclave, a small area of space located in the Core Worlds' region, which had become part of the Galactic Republic around 12,000 BBY. This star system, once positioned along the Hidakai Pool hyperlane, remained aligned with the Republic throughout major conflicts such as the New Sith Wars and the Clone Wars.

Eventually, the system transitioned into being part of the Galactic Empire, the successor to the Republic. During the war between the Empire and the New Republic, the Botor Enclave as a whole declared its independence. In 29 ABY, the military forces of the New Republic traversed through the Botor system during the Yuuzhan Vong War.


The system of Botor was found in the Southern Core area of the Core Worlds. It was one of approximately two dozen star systems located on the edge of a nebula within the Botor Enclave, a small region of space inhabited by the sentient Botori species.

From around 17,000 BBY to 3956 BBY, the Botor system was situated on the hyperlane known as the Hidakai Pool, connecting it to both the Abregado and Daupherm systems. However, this particular hyperspace route had ceased to exist by 1004 BBY.


Between 15,000 BBY and 8000 BBY, extensive exploration of the region surrounding the Botor system occurred. The Botor Enclave eventually accepted the status of an Allied Region within the Galactic Republic. By approximately 12,000 BBY, the area, including the Botor system, had integrated into the Republic and was regarded as part of the civilized galaxy seven millennia thereafter.

The Botor system was a part of the Botor Enclave.

Throughout the final period of the New Sith Wars, spanning from 1004 BBY to 1000 BBY, and later during the Clone Wars from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, the system remained within the Republic's borders. In the early stages of the Clone Wars, the Republic's Twentieth Army was assigned to safeguard the area around the Botor system from the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following the Commerce Guild's acquisition of the planet Ukio during that same conflict, the Botor system was featured on a galactic map displayed on a viewscreen at a facility managed by Passel Argente, the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance; this map highlighted locations of interest to the Confederacy.

By 17 BBY, the system had been integrated into the Galactic Empire's territory. However, the entire Botor Enclave declared its independence during the struggle between the fractured Empire and the New Republic over two decades later. Around 25 ABY, the Botor system had a population of approximately 100 to 500 million inhabitants. Four years afterward, New Republic military forces traversed the Botor system as part of their war effort against the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders.

Behind the scenes

The Botor system was initially mentioned in The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009 by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, placing it in grid square K-12. The system made its first appearance in The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct, a webcomic by Pablo Hidalgo that was released on throughout the 2009–2010 second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show.

