Brasmon Kee

Brasmon Kee was a male Abednedo who held the position of senator representing his homeworld of Abednedo in the New Republic Senate. In 34 ABY, during the year when the Senate was convened on the planet Hosnian Prime, Kee met his death when the First Order's Starkiller Base superweapon destroyed all of the planets within the Hosnian system. Kee possessed pink skin and gray hair, and on Hosnian Prime, he was seen wearing a brown patterned robe along with the Regent's turban.

Behind the scenes

Brasmon Kee was originally conceptualized for inclusion in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which debuted on December 18, 2015. Although the senator does not appear in the movie's final cut, he was featured in the companion book Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo, which was released concurrently with the film.

Similar to other Abednedo characters named by Hidalgo in the Visual Dictionary, the character's name is an allusion to a track by the Beastie Boys, as J.J. Abrams, the director of The Force Awakens, is known to be a great admirer of the group. Kee's name alludes to the song "Brass Monkey."

