Known as the "Princess of PR," Bree Starlighter was a Human woman who held the position of Chief Holo-Communications Officer and served as a galactic travel representative for the interstellar travel agency, Star Tours. Her employment with Star Tours began around 1 BBY, and she was prominently featured in the company's advertising campaigns, including those promoting the inauguration of the spaceline's initial hub within the Earth system. Starlighter was a vocal supporter of the Galactic Empire and its key figures, including Emperor Palpatine and Sith Lord Darth Vader. In contrast to many who harbored skepticism, she held the Wookiee species in high esteem, viewing them as welcoming and friendly to outsiders.
Around 1 BBY, Bree Starlighter, a female Human, served as both the Chief Holo-Communications Officer and the galactic travel liaison for Star Tours, an interstellar space travel enterprise connected to the Galactic Tourist Bureau. During this period, Starlighter promoted the debut of Star Tours' premier hub at Spaceport THX1138, situated within the Earth system, accompanied by her colleagues, the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, at the opening ceremony. She was the host of the event, addressed inquiries from the public, and provided flight discounts.
To dispel the notion that Wookiees were hostile toward strangers, Starlighter would sometimes travel with a member of the Wookiee species to promote their homeworld of Kashyyyk as an ideal tourist destination. Starlighter also appeared in various Star Tours advertisements, encouraging galactic citizens to select her company for interstellar journeys and promoting the firm's newly acquired fleet of StarSpeeder 1000 starships.
By the time the Nagai–Tof War occurred, Star Tours had begun utilizing droids for their public relations efforts. For instance, Dan Android was a PR droid who was stationed at the Tomorrowland Starport.

As the public representative for Star Tours, Starlighter, also known as the "Princess of PR," typically displayed an optimistic and energetic demeanor while promoting the travel company. She also had a tendency to exaggerate in this role, claiming that Star Tours offered travel to all known worlds and even all galaxies, despite later admitting that Star Tours only serviced fifty-four destinations. Starlighter enjoyed a positive rapport with her droid co-workers C-3PO and R2-D2, whom she regarded as two of her "favorite employees," commending Threepio for his attention to detail and highlighting Artoo for his intelligence and value to the company. She was also a believer in the Force and openly expressed this belief while on duty. Furthermore, the officer held a favorable view of Wookiees and implied a dislike for mothers-in-law.
Around 1 BBY, Starlighter voiced her support for the Galactic Empire, the dominant governing power in the galaxy during that era, as well as its leading figures, Emperor Palpatine and the Sith Lord Darth Vader. However, she alluded to Vader's frequent visits to Star Tours' headquarters, which she later retracted, adding that he was "great" and a "positive force for change." During that time, Vader suspected Captain Raymus Antilles, a prominent member of the Rebel Alliance, of being involved with the company, speculating that Star Tours was connected to the Rebellion. Additionally, a Rebel spy was discovered on one of their flights, yet the vessel intentionally evaded Imperial pursuit and safely landed the spy. Nevertheless, Starlighter downplayed these concerns, stating publicly that the Sith Lord was striving to make the galaxy "perfect" to live in, denying any darkness in his actions. Although Starlighter acknowledged the Empire's significant involvement in space travel, she also maintained that the Imperials were fully supportive of free travel. As a safety precaution, Starlighter advised travelers to conceal any lightsabers within their luggage to avoid repercussions from Imperial stormtroopers.
Starlighter possessed fair skin and sported blonde and purple hair styled in a braid. She occasionally adorned herself with rings, bracelets, earrings, and black accessories near her lips and around her dark-brown eyes, as well as makeup on her eyelids and cheeks. Starlighter wore at least two different Star Tours uniforms, one in blue and silver and another in black and silver with gray pants and boots, both featuring metallic-looking company pins at chest level displaying her name in High Galactic alphabet and the Star Tours logo in Aurebesh script.

Actress Angela Napoleon embodied Bree Starlighter, the Star Tours public relations officer, during the Star Tours: The Adventures Continue promotional mall tour. This tour, which introduced the character for the first time, visited four cities six days before the revamped ride's launch in 2011. She later made an appearance at the grand opening at Disney's Hollywood Studios and was featured in Star Tours promotional materials on the Disney website.
During her live-action performances, she interacted with the audience in an in-universe manner, as if she were promoting the launch of Star Tours' first hub on the real-world planet Earth alongside C-3PO, R2-D2, Jedi Mickey, and Leia Minnie. While in character, Napoleon intentionally twitched her eye and maintained a facial tic whenever she spoke positively about the Galactic Empire and Darth Vader.
In a radio interview, Angela Napoleon, while portraying Starlighter, jokingly mentioned that her homeworld had no chickens, and that its inhabitants typically consumed another creature, whose name was pronounced with click consonants. Given the interview's humorous nature, this information is likely non-canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity.