Bulwark flotilla

Sometime during the Clone Wars, a conflict spanning from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems' navy conceived a scheme for a flotilla composed of Bulwark-class battle cruisers. These ships of war were covertly built with oversight by Admiral Dua Ningo, a dedicated Separatist hailing from the Commerce Guild's Sullustan Home Guard. Ningo aimed to deploy these ships against the world of Coruscant and anticipated the flotilla to be ready and operational by 20 BBY, which was two years following the Battle of Geonosis that initiated the war.

Behind the scenes

The Bulwark flotilla made its debut in current Star Wars canon within Rise of the Separatists. This was a 2019 addition to Fantasy Flight Games' line of Star Wars Roleplaying games. Within the Star Wars Legends timeline, the Bulwark Fleet first appeared in The New Essential Chronology, a 2005 sourcebook written by Daniel Wallace together with Kevin J. Anderson.


  • Rise of the Separatists (First mentioned)

Notes and references
