The Bulwark-class battle cruiser served the Separatist Alliance's naval branch during the Clone Wars, battling the Galactic Republic from 22 BBY to 19 BBY. Admiral Dua Ningo, a Sullustan officer from the Sullustan Home Guard (allied with the Confederacy), was tasked with supervising the building of a flotilla of these battlecruisers. Ningo planned to use the Bulwark-class battle cruisers to strike the Republic's capital, Coruscant, expecting the fleet to be ready two years following the outbreak of the conflict on Geonosis.
Fantasy Flight Games first presented Bulwark-class battle cruisers within the current Star Wars canon via Rise of the Separatists in 2019, as part of their Star Wars Roleplaying game series. In the Star Wars Legends timeline, the Bulwark Mark I appeared in The New Essential Chronology, a 2005 reference work written by Daniel Wallace along with Kevin J. Anderson.