BX-778, known also as BX or Beex, was a droid of the culinary septic variety, specifically a Class three model, programmed with masculine programming, and was the property of both Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa.
Han Solo and Leia Organa were the owners of BX-778, a culinary septic droid, during their time residing on Chandrila. This occurred a couple of years following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. He was designed with the expertise of a gourmet chef, capable of preparing over fifteen thousand different types of cuisine, a task he approached with considerable enthusiasm. He possessed a strong inclination towards making caf, frequently brewing and offering it to his owners and their visitors, even when explicitly told not to or when no one had requested it. He would meticulously describe each stage of the caf-making process and the ingredients that he incorporated.
In the year 7 ABY, T-2LC, the Solos' protocol droid typically responsible for childcare, entrusted BX with the care of two-year-old Ben Solo while attending to an errand for Leia Organa. BX felt inadequate for the multitude of household duties, with childcare being the most prominent, as his programming to serve conflicted with asserting authority as a caregiver. When he reprimanded Ben for playing with a power drill, Ben started to cry loudly, and BX's only solution was to make him caf. This was interrupted by the activation of the Phylanx Redux Transmitter's kill virus, which overwrote his programming, forcing him to murder organics. The infected BX contemplated killing Ben by severing his head with his knife arm and advanced toward Ben with the arm extended, but Han destroyed the transmitter and released BX from the directive to kill before any harm occurred. BX was left in a state of confusion, unable to remember why he had left the kitchen with his arm raised. Ben, unaware of the near-fatal event, continued to cry quietly. BX concluded that he had experienced a programming malfunction and resumed preparing caf for the toddler.
BX-778, being a culinary septic droid, was exceptionally talented and knowledgeable concerning all forms of cooking. Caf was something he particularly enjoyed, and he had a habit of elaborating excessively on the specifics of the beverages he served, which greatly irritated Solo.
Solo found BX's programmed personality to be peculiar. The droid was capable of reducing his volume when instructed.
The first appearance of BX-778 was in the 2018 Star Wars novel titled Last Shot, authored by Daniel José Older.
A fan utilized the hashtag "#bringkitchendroidback" on Twitter, as a humorous take on the trending "#BringBenSoloBack" hashtag. This was part of a fan-led movement protesting Solo's death in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Older responded by stating that the "kitchen droid" BX-778 was the least likely of his Star Wars characters he anticipated would inspire a hashtag. He also revealed that he created the character based on his own desire to create a character that was as enthusiastic about coffee as he was.