Byrco Hansid originated from the backwater planet of Aris and was a male human. Serving within the Resistance military forces, Hansid specialized in the use of heavy ordnance, specifically an HH-12 rocket launcher. During the events of 35 ABY, he participated as a member of the Resistance ground assault team during the Battle of Exegol on the surface of the command ship known as the Steadfast, and he ultimately survived the conflict.
Hailing from the underdeveloped planet of Aris, Byrco Hansid, a male human, witnessed firsthand the shortcomings of First Order technology when it was confronted by the raw power of nature. During the war waged against the First Order, he was a heavy weapons specialist within the ranks of the Resistance military. In 35 ABY, Hansid was among the Resistance soldiers stationed at a base located on the jungle moon of Ajan Kloss who journeyed to the planet Exegol to engage in combat against the forces of the Sith Eternal. Hansid was part of the Resistance's ground contingent, with their primary objective being the destruction of a navigation tower that was crucial for the fleet of the Sith Eternal, known as the Final Order, to escape from Exegol.
The ground assault team was transported to Exegol aboard the YC-123B transport hauler named Fortitude. However, upon their arrival, the Sith forces redirected the navigation signal from the tower to the command ship called the Steadfast. Under the command of General Finn, the Fortitude landed on the exterior of the Steadfast, and the ground forces disembarked onto the starship. There, they engaged in battle with the Sith troopers and Sith Jetpack Troopers belonging to the Sith Eternal army. Eventually, Finn, along with the former stormtrooper Jannah, successfully deactivated the navigation signal. Following this, the Resistance ground forces retreated back into the Fortitude. Hansid was among these retreating soldiers, while Finn and Jannah remained behind to completely destroy the ship. When General Poe Dameron contacted the transport, Hansid stood alongside other survivors of the battle next to technician Rose Tico as she informed Dameron that Finn was not present. The Resistance ultimately achieved victory in the battle and subsequently returned to Ajan Kloss to celebrate their triumph.
Having witnessed the failure of First Order technology on his homeworld, Hansid developed a strong preference for weaponry and equipment that were simple and reliable. He harbored a distrust of electronics and droids, the latter of which were uncommon within the Resistance. Hansid possessed fair complexion, brown hair, and gray eyes.
Hansid was typically seen wearing a camouflage tunic over a brown shirt, complemented by a similarly camouflaged hat featuring a visor designed to reduce glare. In combat situations, he favored the use of an HH-12 rocket launcher equipped with an optical scope, a design that remained largely unchanged since the era of the Galactic Civil War, relying on shaped lenses for its optics and visual targeting by eye.
The character of Byrco Hansid was conceived for the 2019 film, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, which is part of the sequel trilogy. His initial identification occurred in the companion reference book titled Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.