HH-12 rocket launcher

The HH-12 rocket launcher was a missile launcher model, distinguished by its black color, utilized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Special Forces during their conflict with the Galactic Empire known as the Galactic Civil War.


Baze Malbus uses a HH-12.

During the year 1 BBY, the Rogue One unit of special forces included HH-12s as part of their arsenal on the mission to extract the plans for the Empire's Death Star superweapon from the Citadel Tower located on the planet of Scarif. Baze Malbus, formerly of the Guardians of the Whills, took possession of one of these launchers and used it against an All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport that was attacking the Alliance forces; however, the walker's armor proved too resilient for the weapon to penetrate.

Byrco Hansid employed an HH-12 rocket launcher while serving with the Resistance. His distrust of advanced technology led him to simplify the weapon by adding shaped lenses for manual targeting.

Behind the scenes

Byrco Hansid with a HH-12

The HH-12 rocket launcher initially materialized as a tangible prop in the 2016 motion picture, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. While the weapon was not explicitly named within the film itself, its identification was provided in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a companion book authored by Pablo Hidalgo and published concurrently with the movie's release.

