Cerulean skycatcher

Cerulean skycatchers, a spirited variety of blue bird, inhabited the planet Akiva. During a peaceful morning after a [rain](/article/water] shower in 4 ABY, two of these birds, displaying their energetic behavior, swooped and soared in the air over the home of Esmelle and Shirene in the Akivan city of Myrra. Simultaneously, New Republic pilot Norra Wexley was present on the building's roof, observing them. Considering the skycatchers' temperament, Wexley speculated that the pair's aerial pursuit might have been either a territorial dispute, a mating display, or a combination of the two.

Behind the scenes

These cerulean skycatchers made their debut in the 2015 novel Aftermath, the initial book in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy, penned by Chuck Wendig.

