Cinderon Malpe

Cinderon Malpe served as the representative for Derella in the Imperial Senate. Closely associated with Bail Organa, Malpe received an invitation to the Day of Demand arranged for Princess Leia Organa on Alderaan during 3 BBY. He was present at various banquets held within the Royal Palace of Alderaan, alongside other senators who were involved in resisting the Empire. During one of these gatherings, Malpe voiced his disapproval of Saw Gerrera's violent methods after discovering his involvement in the assassination of Quarsh Panaka. At a separate banquet, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin made an unexpected appearance, seeking evidence of a conspiracy against the Empire. Tarkin questioned Malpe regarding his concerns about his planet and the senate. Malpe responded with apprehension but was interrupted when Queen Breha Organa orchestrated a diversion by feigning a drunken accusation of infidelity against her husband with his colleague Mon Mothma, a performance that Malpe only recognized as such after Tarkin's departure.

Behind the scenes

Cinderon Malpe's initial appearance was in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a young adult novel from 2017 by Claudia Gray, launched as part of Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In the preview chapter featured in the paperback edition of Lost Stars, the role that Malpe eventually filled was originally assigned to Senator Gall Trayvis, whose home world was identified as Osk-Trill; in the completed novel, however, Trayvis was replaced with Malpe.

