The Circlet of Saresh, a Jedi artifact, was permeated with and gave off the Force. This circlet was at one time secured within a glass display case located in the Jedi Archives.
Cere Junda, during her adolescence as the Padawan learner of Jedi Master Eno Cordova, felt a particularly strong connection to the Circlet of Saresh among all Jedi artifacts. After witnessing the destruction of the Archives as she escaped the purge of the Jedi Order following Order 66 in 19 BBY, Junda learned several years later, sometime between 12 BBY and 11 BBY, from a black market art dealer on Wells that a crown, inexplicably alluring to people, was in the possession of someone on the planet Murkhana. She believed it to be the Circlet of Saresh.
Once Junda obtained the circlet and presented it to Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, he expressed confusion regarding its purpose; he examined its form and sensed its power, but it did not appear to be a weapon or an object suitable for throwing, like a magical boomerang.

Within the Star Wars canon continuity, the Circlet of Saresh made its debut in the 2023 novel titled Jedi: Battle Scars, authored by Sam Maggs as a companion piece to the Star Wars Jedi video game series. The item's origins can be traced back to Star Wars Legends as the wearable Circlet of Saresh headband featured in the BioWare video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Maggs, having previously worked briefly as a writer on the remake of that game and starting her video game career at BioWare, chose to incorporate the Circlet of Saresh as a way of bridging the gap between the older Star Wars video games and the new ones.