CLL-M2 binary loadlifter

The CLL-M2 binary loadlifter, alternatively referred to as the CLL-M2, ordnance lifter droid, or loader droid, represented a model of robust labor droid produced by Cybot Galactica and classified under the CLL-series. Certain units underwent modification to aid Doctor Sionver Boll in her research concerning the Zillo Beast.


Limbs and counterweight

Within the CLL-series, the CLL-M2 binary loadlifter was an exceptionally rudimentary binary loadlifter labor droid model. Its sole function was the transportation of heavy loads from one point to another. The droid's height was approximately four meters, extending to six meters when fully stretched, thus dwarfing the majority of organic species. Its design featured a slender rectangular chassis with four limbs, each reinforced with armor at critical junctures, notably the arm shoulders. These limbs were constructed from straightforward durasteel slabs, powered by heavy-duty hydraulics.

The legs terminated in broad, flat magna-pod feet equipped with magnetic soles to distribute the droid's substantial weight, along with its cargo, as uniformly as possible. The arms of the CLL-M2 typically ended in simple claws, designed to slide beneath standard cargo sleds, magnetically secure them, and subsequently lift them. However, some variants were outfitted with pincer-like gripping hands. The model's most significant advantage was the repulsorlift counterweight affixed to its back. This innovation significantly reduced the time required for load balancing, in contrast to earlier loadlifters that typically relied on a physical counterweight, often positioned on an extendable rig for improved balance and adjustable center of gravity. The CLL-M2's repulsorlift counterweight could precisely generate the necessary weight and dynamically adjust it as the droid moved, eliminating the need for manual adjustment of physical counterweights.

Sensors and intelligence

The CLL-M2 was equipped with a sizable black photoreceptor that provided limited visual capabilities. This was primarily utilized for basic tasks, such as scanning code panels on cargo to verify the correct load. The photoreceptor was positioned at the top front of the droid's chassis. On either side of the photoreceptor tube, a black hemispherical remote sensor monitored the droid's surroundings.

Despite these sensors, CLL-M2s reacted slowly to obstructions in their path, making it safer to avoid them rather than depend on evasive maneuvers. The model lacked substantial intelligence, functioning more as a semi-autonomous piece of equipment than a true droid. Nevertheless, like all binary loadlifters, it could interpret basic voice commands, although using remote data link to send precise programmed tasks was generally a safer method.

The slot situated directly above the droid's photoreceptor housed its relatively basic microphone and even more rudimentary vocabulator, restricting its communication to droidspeak. This necessitated the use of a protocol droid or similar unit for translation by most owners. Atop the droid's counterweight, a binary broadcast antenna array enabled users to constantly monitor the droid's status and location. This array also allowed the CLL-M2 to notify its operator upon task completion or when encountering difficulties.


Cybot Galactica manufactured the CLL-M2 binary loadlifter, introducing it shortly before the onset of the Separatist Crisis. Its design, however, exhibited minimal differences from other comparable labor droids that had been in use since the droid equivalent of prehistoric times. During the Clone Wars, both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized it. In 21 BBY, Doctor Sionver Boll, a Republic scientist, procured a group of CLL-M2s to assist in her research on the captive Zillo Beast located on the planet Coruscant.

She modified these droids, transforming their hands into heavy-duty graspers by incorporating additional joints, enabling them to serve as her "tweezers" during the beast's examination. Furthermore, she replaced their standard photoreceptors with a more sophisticated model mounted on a rotatable extending arm, capable of multi-frequency scanning down to near microscopic levels. The clutch's remote sensors were upgraded to a blue colored model and the droids had an additional limb added to their left should that ended in an additional probe and readout screen.

As the creature was unloaded from the boarding ramp of a Venator-class Star Destroyer, the droids, along with Boll, marched before the unconscious beast. They then accompanied it into a hangar, where it was restrained within a frame while Boll studied it from within a pod-like vehicle. The modified CLL-M2s moved across the beast and scaffolding, with one lifting the rear of its upper jaw to allow a smaller droid to collect samples from underneath, causing the creature to roar. After the sample collection, Boll instructed the droids to halt and reported her findings to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

Following Palpatine's directive to discover a method to kill the beast, the droids remained in the hangar as she initiated a procedure to eliminate it using gaseous Malastare fuel toxin. However, instead of dying, the beast became enraged and broke free, crushing a CLL-M2 on the scaffolding with its hand and escaping the hangar to rampage through Coruscant. Ultimately, the creature was killed, and its corpse was returned to Boll, who received orders to clone it. The droid's repulsorlift counterweight and the improved efficiency it provided contributed to its continued popularity and use long after the conclusion of the Clone Wars.

