The Clone Wars expansion, also known as CW, for the Star Wars PocketModel TCG (Trading Card Game) was launched on July 26, 2008. It represents the first of two sets by WizKids Games centered around the Clone Wars period. Alongside the standard booster pack distribution, this set included two 2-player starter sets: Anakin's Assault Force 2-player Starter (A2P) and Obi-Wan's Attack Battalion 2-player Starter (O2P). Each starter set contained two fixed 15-card decks, dice, a playmat, one exclusive CW unit, nine other CW units, a complete rulebook, assembly instructions, and up to eight additional PocketModels from the SV expansion.
The Clone Wars expansion introduced the following new gameplay rules and concepts:
- New icons: Convert, Command, Dogfight
- Articulated units
- Airborne Ace
- Antivehicle Weapons
- Battle Seasoned
- Break Left
- Combat Landing
- Command Support
- Convenient Cover
- Dogfighter
- Droid Coordination
- Dumb Luck
- Evasion
- Fighter Ace
- Finish the Fight
- Fly Defensively
- Good Positioning
- Head-On Run
- Heavy Fighter Specialist
- In Position
- Jedi Backup
- Jedi Escort
- Laser Turret
- Lucky Aim
- Maneuverability
- Opportunist
- Padawan Training
- Proton Torpedo
- Repeating Blasters
- Single Target
- Support Fire
- Swarm
- Target the Cruisers
- Target the Fighters
- Target-Rich Environment
- Turbolaser Battery
- Concealing Nebula
- Jabba's Throne Room
- Orders: Escalation
- Orders: Search and Rescue
- Salvage Operation
- Senatorial Support
- Aerial Strike
- Astromech Error
- Clear a Path
- Combat Repairs
- Combat Training
- Come Back Here
- Coordinated Conversion
- Coruscant Guard
- Droideka
- Engine Hit
- Expendable Forces
- Fighter Support
- Flyover
- Heavy Vehicle
- Innovative Tactics
- Jedi Assistance
- Jedi Resourcefulness
- Magna Droid
- Miraculous Escape
- Missile Strike
- New Orders
- Overwhelming Force
- Point-Blank Range
- Risky Dodge
- Saturation Fire
- Shock Troops
- Support Drop
- Surprise Attack
- Surprise Landing
- Tactical Intelligence
- Task Force
- Unexpected Valor
- Unshakable
- Contested Planet
- Flagship
- Hangar Bay
- High Ground
- Orders: Heavy Assault
- Teth Palace
- Ziro's Palace
- 4A-7
- Admiral Yularen
- Ahsoka
- Anakin Skywalker
- Asajj Ventress
- Boost
- C-3PO
- Captain Rex
- Clone Commander Cody
- Count Dooku
- General Grievous
- Heavy Turbolasers
- Mace Windu
- MagnaGuard Pilot
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Odd Ball
- Padmé Amidala
- Plo Koon
- R2-D2
- Sinker
- Yoda
- Battle of Bothawui
- Carrier Fleet
- Jedi Council
- Orders: Strategic Advance
- Relentless Engagement
- Thwarted Plans
- Ahsoka
- Anakin Skywalker
- Asajj Ventress
- Count Dooku
- General Grievous
- Jabba the Hutt
- "Jedi" Binks
- Nute Gunray
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Plo Koon
- R2-D2
- Ziro the Hutt
- Kidnapped Huttlet
- 501st Legion AT-RT
- 104th Battalion AT-RT
- 501st Legion AT-RT
- C78 Division Droid STAP
- Z90 Division Droid STAP
- A27 Division Droid STAP
- K33 Division Droid STAP
- D22 Division Droid STAP
- T81 Division Droid STAP
- X34 Division Droid STAP
- Y66 Division Droid STAP
- C78 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- Z90 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- A27 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- D22 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- T81 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- X34 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- 13th Strike Wing Porax-38
- 10th Strike Wing Porax-38
- 6th Strike Wing Porax-38
- Shadow Squadron Y-wing
- Blue Squadron Y-wing
- Shadow Squadron Y-wing
- Red Squadron Y-wing
- Gold Squadron V-19 Torrent
- Red Squadron V-19 Torrent
- Blue Squadron V-19 Torrent
- Gold Squadron V-19 Torrent
- 88th Flight Droid Fighter
- 27th Flight Droid Fighter
- 103rd Flight Droid Fighter
- 61st Flight Droid Fighter
- 59th Flight Droid Fighter
- 40th Flight Droid Fighter
- 11th Flight Droid Fighter
- 76th Flight Droid Fighter
- 501st Legion AT-TE
- Galactic Guardian Acclamator-class Transport
- Tide of Progress XII Banking Clan frigate
- L-2832 C-9979 landing craft
- K33 Division Droid STAP
- Y66 Division Droid STAP
- A27 Division Droid STAP
- T81 Division Droid STAP
- 1st Strike Wing Porax-38
- 2nd Strike Wing Porax-38
- 8th Strike Wing Porax-38
- Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter
- Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter
- Blade of Dorin
- Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter
- Nute Gunray's Neimoidian Shuttle
- Odd Ball's V-19 Torrent
- Gold Squadron V-19 Torrent
- 104th Battalion Republic Gunship
- Negotiator Venator-class Star Destroyer
- 88th Flight Command Droid Fighter
- 103rd Flight Elite Droid Fighter
- 11th Flight Elite Droid Fighter
- 76th Flight Command Droid Fighter
- 501st Legion AT-TE
- Defiant Acclamator -class Transport
- Voice of Industry II Banking Clan Frigate
- Force of Commerce Banking Clan Frigate
- General Grievous' Belbullab-22
- Escort Flight Porax-38
- Escort Flight Porax-38
- Padmé Amidala's Nubian Yacht
- 501st Legion Republic Gunship
- 212th Attack Battalion Republic Attack Shuttle
- 501st Legion Republic Attack Shuttle
- Twilight G9 Rigger freighter
- Matchstick's Y-wing
- Anakin and Ahsoka's Y-wing
- Resolute Venator-class Star Destroyer

Released alongside the fifth expansion for Star Wars PocketModels during the premiere of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated movie, this 2-player starter set is called Anakin's Assault Force 2-player starter set (A2P). It included 10 Clone Wars units (one being an exclusive Starter PocketModel), up to 8 additional PocketModels, two pre-built 15-card decks (each featuring an exclusive foil card), a double-sided playmat, 2 micro dice, a unit construction guide, and a comprehensive rulebook. This film-themed release offered an exclusive pre-built unit with alternate artwork representing the Twilight among the PocketModel units. Each A2P starter set contained this special unit.
- 1x C78 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- 1x Z90 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- 1x A27 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- 1x Blue Squadron V-19 Torrent
- 1x Gold Squadron V-19 Torrent
- 1x 88th Flight Droid Fighter
- 1x 27th Flight Droid Fighter
- 1x 103rd Flight Droid Fighter
- 1x 61st Flight Droid Fighter
- 1x Twilight (Battle damaged - Prebuilt with glued pieces)
- 4x random Scum & Villainy unit plates

This 2-player starter set, known as Obi-Wan's Attack Battalion 2-Player Starter Set (O2P), was released alongside the fifth expansion of Star Wars PocketModels during the debut of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated film. It included 10 Clone Wars units (with one exclusive Starter PocketModel), up to 8 additional PocketModels, two pre-constructed 15-card decks (each containing an exclusive foil card), a double-sided playmat, 2 micro dice, a unit construction guide, and complete rules. Among the PocketModel units available in this film-themed release, each O2P starter set featured an exclusive pre-built unit with alternate artwork from the film depicting a 212th Attack Battalion Republic Gunship.
- 1x C78 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- 1x Z90 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- 1x A27 Division Dwarf Spider Droid
- 1x Blue Squadron V-19 Torrent
- 1x Gold Squadron V-19 Torrent
- 1x 88th Flight Droid Fighter
- 1x 27th Flight Droid Fighter
- 1x 103rd Flight Droid Fighter
- 1x 61st Flight Droid Fighter
- 1x 212th Attack Battalion Republic Gunship (Pre-built with alternate film art)
- 4x random unit plates from Scum & Villainy

For selected existing units from the Clone Wars expansion, two larger-sized units were offered for purchase through specific stores and online retailers. Though planned, an oversized version of the Twilight was never released. These units were available for sale to coincide with the release of the Clone Wars animated film.