British actor Colin Higgins briefly portrayed Col Takbright in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
Higgins was involved in the filming of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Although his character's name was not spoken during the Battle of Yavin briefing scene, the script and novelization initially identified him as Wedge Antilles, a role otherwise filled by Denis Lawson. This discrepancy led fans to nickname the character who delivers the line, "That's impossible, even for a computer," as "Fake Wedge."
The absence of Denis Lawson in the briefing scene sparked debate among fans eager to identify the actor who did appear. Speculation centered on two individuals: Jack Klaff (who played John D. Branon) and Colin Higgins. The majority initially believed Klaff to be "Fake Wedge." However, Pablo Hidalgo clarified the situation in 2004 through the Homing Beacon newsletter, confirming Colin Higgins as the actor. He further detailed his findings in 2005 on his personal blog, and again in 2013 on the official blog.
Higgins made his inaugural Star Wars-related appearance at Celebration IV, where he verified that he had indeed been cast as Wedge Antilles. He recounted that, having never worked on an American film before, he experienced several misunderstandings and errors. A significant issue was his misinterpretation of his lines in the briefing scene. Higgins stated that his well-known line was originally intended to be much longer, but he struggled to remember it accurately. After numerous attempts, he opted for the shortened version. These challenges contributed to his dismissal shortly after filming the scene. Subsequently, Denis Lawson was selected as his replacement, explaining Lawson's portrayal of Wedge Antilles in all subsequent scenes and films.
Higgins passed away in December 2012. Five years after his passing, his brief appearance as Wedge was retconned by Jason Fry into Col Takbright, a distinct character, in his From a Certain Point of View story "Duty Roster."
- " Rebel Pilot Reunion " — Star Wars Insider 32
- Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 12
- Homing Beacon #118 - Shepperton Flashbacks on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- "The Hunt for the Fake Wedge" — Fragments From the Mind's Eye — Pablo Hidalgo's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Ewoks Rock Celebration IV! on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Colin Higgins: A Rebel for a Day on Hyperspace (content obsolete and backup link not available)
- Star Wars Mysteries: Hunting for the Fake Wedge on (article) (backup link)
- RIP Colin Higgins, the "Fake" Wedge on (backup link)