Daz Crano

Daz Crano, a female Nautolan, was a pilot fighting for the Resistance. During the First Order's occupation of Kashyyyk, Crano provided aerial support for the Millennium Falcon as it landed on the planet.


As the First Order-Resistance War raged on, Daz Crano piloted her X-wing alongside the Millennium Falcon to Kashyyyk. Her mission was to assist in disrupting the First Order's operations that were taking place on the planet. As they navigated the First Order's blockade, Daz's friend Beaumont Kin, who was traveling aboard the Falcon with Chewbacca, Nien Nunb, and the porg named Terbus, began recounting the history of Kashyyyk. Daz, however, retorted that he should focus on avoiding enemy fire. Despite taking some minor damage to her ship, Daz and the Millennium Falcon successfully touched down on the planet's surface.

Soon after landing, Chewbacca was visibly upset by something another Wookiee said to him in Shyriiwook, a language neither Daz nor Beaumont understood. Consequently, Chewbacca, accompanied by Terbus, abruptly departed into the forest, leaving Daz and Beaumont behind.

Realizing that Resistance reinforcements were being delayed due to the First Order's blockade, Daz, Beaumont, and Nien understood that it was their responsibility to aid Chewbacca, even though Beaumont believed the Wookiee could handle the situation himself. Daz returned to her X-wing and conducted an aerial search for Chewbacca over the forest, while the other Resistance members joined forces with some Wookiees to search on foot. Chewbacca noticed Daz's X-wing overhead and attempted to signal her, inadvertently drawing the attention of nearby stormtroopers.

Although Daz didn't spot Chewbacca, a porg that had secretly boarded her ship managed to alert her to something it had seen. Despite Beaumont's skepticism about the porg's observation, Daz decided to investigate further. The Resistance fighters and Wookiees retraced their steps and successfully assisted Chewbacca in liberating some Wookiees who had been captured by the First Order. After regrouping, Daz told Beaumont that the experience reinforced her conviction that everyone in the galaxy needed to unite against the First Order.

Personality and traits

Daz, a female Nautolan, possessed green skin and prominent black eyes. The tendrils on her head displayed a darker shade of green. She held a strong commitment to the Resistance's objectives. Although she possessed a sense of humor, she disapproved of levity in serious situations.

