A particularly secure and important conference room was situated on the officer's deck of the Overbridge on the Death Star battle station. Within this space, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin regularly convened with his most senior officers. The room's centerpiece was a gleaming black table, with twelve seats carefully positioned around it. For each person in attendance, refreshments were served in cups.
In that very room, Tarkin conducted a meeting where he announced that the Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine had just disbanded the Imperial Senate. Among the Imperial officers present were ISB Colonel Wullf Yularen, General Hurst Romodi, General Trech Molock, Chief of the Imperial Navy Admiral Conan Antonio Motti, Chief of the Imperial Army General Cassio Tagge, Chief Siward Cass and General Moradmin Bast. Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor's Fist, was also there. Like the rest of the massive space station, the conference room met its end during the Battle of Yavin.

The room was characterized by its gray, metallic walls and a polished black circular table. This table, centrally located, featured twelve seats arranged symmetrically.
Following the capture of Princess Leia Orgagna, during a conference held shortly after, only nine of the seats were occupied. This was because one seat was intended for Director Orson Callan Krennic, who had been killed in the Battle of Scarif.
Despite the table's round shape, the seating arrangement reflected a clear hierarchy. One chair stood out with an extended back, reserved for the most senior Imperial officer present at any given meeting. Prior to the Battle of Yavin, Grand Moff Tarkin consistently occupied this prominent position.
Each seat at the table was equipped with computer terminals. A highly polished holoprojector was positioned at the table's center. This device could project three-dimensional models of potential targets and display holographic tactical data for assessment by Tarkin and the various Imperial strategists within the Imperial Military.
After the Battle of Scarif but before the Battle of Yavin, the Death Star's conference room became a regular meeting place for the Joint Chiefs of staff and other high-ranking figures in the Galactic Empire. Among these attendees were Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Emperor's Fist Darth Vader, Chief of the Imperial Army General Cassio Tagge, Chief of the Imperial Navy and Admiral of the Fleet Conan Antonio Motti, General and Chief Moradmin Bast, Imperial Security Bureau Colonel Wullf Yularen, General Trech Molock, General Hurst Romodi, Director of Advanced Weapons Research Orson Callan Krennic, and Chief Siward Cass. Death Star Troopers were assigned to maintain security within the conference room.