Defender-5 sporting blaster

The Defender-5 sporting blaster, a variant of the Defender sporting blaster pistol line, was manufactured by the Drearian Defense Conglomerate. It was particularly popular amongst the aristocratic class of the planet Gatalenta.


Amilyn Holdo with a Defender-5

This model of Defender sporting blaster pistol, known as the Defender-5, featured both a lethal firing mode and a stun setting. The power setting was controlled via a switch located on the left side. Due to the intense temperature generated during operation, oxidation could sometimes be observed near the barrel's tip. Its [color](/article/color] scheme was a combination of [black](/article/color] and silver.


By 34 ABY (in the standard [year](/article/standard_year] calendar), the Defender-5 blaster had achieved the status of a respected classic weapon. Amilyn Holdo, the Vice Admiral of the Resistance and a native of Gatalenta, notably favored the use of one during the First Order-Resistance War. She employed this blaster to incapacitate several mutineers within the hangar bay of the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus amidst an attack launched by the First Order against the Resistance fleet.

Behind the scenes

The Defender-5 sporting blaster made its debut appearance in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which premiered on December 15, 2017. Although not explicitly named in the film itself, the weapon's designation was provided in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a companion reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released alongside the movie. The design draws inspiration from the Margolin pistol, albeit with certain alterations.

