Doowan, a male Nautolan, worked alongside the Dragon, an arms dealer, during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Not long after the Battle of Yavin, Doowan found himself at a droid combat arena situated on Anthan Prime, where he was caught up in a skirmish that unfolded between the forces of the Empire and a collection of onlookers present at the arena. During this conflict, Darth Vader and Inspector Thanoth cornered and questioned him regarding the whereabouts of the Dragon. Following a period of intense persuasion, Doowan revealed the Dragon's location to them, after which he was turned over to Morit and Aiolin Astarte to aid in their investigation of illegal arms trafficking. However, instead of leveraging him for information, Morit promptly decapitated the Nautolan, asserting that this action served as a demonstration of the Empire's power.