
Dormitz was a member of the First Order's navy, a militaristic political group that rose from the ashes of the Galactic Empire. He held the junior lieutenant rank and functioned as both a pilot and hypercomm expert. Notably, Dormitz piloted an Upsilon-class command shuttle in the vicinity of a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer and over Starkiller Base.

In 34 ABY, Dormitz found himself stationed on the Silencer, a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer. This vessel, along with Captain Phasma, was assigned to patrol a hyperspace route connecting the Unknown Regions with the Core Worlds, with the mission of intercepting Resistance spies.

During this patrol, the Silencer came across the quadjumper named Sunstrider. The ship was brought into one of the hangar bays. Two stormtroopers then escorted the group of adventurers onboard to Dormitz, who waited in a nearby area for inspection. The adventurers, wanting to hide that they had obtained information about Jakku to give to the Resistance, fought Dormitz, got their gear back, and tried to get off the Silencer.

Behind the scenes

Dormitz's character was initially introduced in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, a product of Fantasy Flight Games released in 2016. Within the game, players who are captured by the First Order and detained on the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Silencer must overcome Dormitz, who is supported by two stormtroopers, if they are suspected of being Resistance agents, to successfully escape. The game uses he/him pronouns for the character; however, a website article by Fantasy Flight Games in 2018 uses she/her pronouns for Dormitz.


  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game (Initial mention)
  • Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game — Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack (Card: Lieutenant Dormitz — Upsilon-class Shuttle)
  • Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — First Order Conversion Kit (Card: Lieutenant Dormitz — Upsilon-class Command Shuttle)

Notes and references
