Duros uprising on Zilior

Occurring in or before the year 3643 BBY (in accordance with the year system), the Duros uprising on Zilior involved a revolt by members of the Duros species against the Sith Empire on the planet of Zilior.

Around the time of 3643 BBY, during the Cold War that existed between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Drowl, a Sith Lord serving the Empire, was aware of the population size involved in the Duros uprising on Zilior. While working to suppress a degree-six slave rebellion within the jungle region outside of Kaas City on Dromund Kaas, the Empire's capital world, Drowl made the observation that the two revolts had roughly equal populations.

Behind the scenes

The Duros uprising on Zilior is referenced within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 MMORPG developed by BioWare together with LucasArts. Lord Drowl briefly mentions the event when making a comparison at the beginning of the quest titled "Testing Grounds." This quest is available to all four Imperial classes on the planet Dromund Kaas, which serves as the second planet for Imperial characters within the game. Although the Sith Lord mentions the uprising on Zilior, the exact timing of the event and its ultimate conclusion remain unclear. Furthermore, while Drowl indicates that the Empire frequently tasked him with suppressing rebellions on Imperial-controlled planets, the game does not explicitly confirm Drowl's involvement in the Zilior uprising.

