The E-10 blaster rifle, a blaster rifle model, was produced by BlasTech Industries and utilized by both Imperial Army troopers and Imperial Stormtroopers serving the Galactic Empire. For enhanced visibility in dim conditions, it included a glow rod.

The E-11 medium blaster rifle was a successor to the E-10 blaster rifle.
During the campaign on Mimban, Imperial Army swamp troopers carried E-10 blaster rifles. The weapon proved to be unreliable. Because the weapon frequently jammed at critical moments, many soldiers stationed on Mimban looked forward to the E-10's replacement. The planet's hostile conditions also negatively impacted other weapons.
Range troopers operating on harsh worlds such as Vandor were issued a more durable version of the E-10, known as the E-10R blaster rifle. In 5 BBY, Imperial Army Troopers stationed on Aldhani used an E-10 variant equipped with a scope and various attachments typically found on E-11 blasters. These blasters were essentially E-10.5 rifles.